What are various types of operating system?
There are four types of operating system are following below.
1. Single user operating system
An operating system which allows only one user to work on a computer at
a time is called single user operating system. For example: - DOS (Disk
Operating System), BOS (Batch Operating System) and GUI (Graphically User
2. Multi User operating system
A Multi user operating system allows a number of users to work together
on a single computer. Each user will be provided a terminal connected to a
3. Single task operating system
Operating system which can execute only a single task at a time is known
as single task operating system.
4. Multi task operating system
Operating system supports an execution of more than one job at a time which means to operate many tasks at a time.
This topic is related to "main purpose of an operating system" post link here
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Q 1. Which software that supports android operating system application ?
Here is the list some five software that supports android application software.
1. Blue stack
2. Now player
3. Memu appications
4. LD player
5. Gameloop
When you install any one application supported software then you can run all the play store application which you install or download from play store.
Q 2. What is an example of multitasking operating system which most people use on there laptop?
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