What is stability of the distributed database management system?
Stability of the distributed database management system model
- In the distributed database model there are so many computer systems are working for their organization.
- If one computer system will damage then there is a little bit loss on the site.
- The distributed database is very reliable for their stability to operate the database processing.
- The distributed database gives availability of the database continuously uses experience.
- There is need to shut down all the databases through the parallel connection of the computer systems to operate the database and their application for processing the data.
- This image shows the typical connection of the distributed database model.
- You can continuously work on this distributed database model as user requirement.
- You can retrieve the database as the distributed to the computer system.
- The retrieved database from the computer you can manipulate them.
- You can recover the database if one computer system will fail.
What are the components of data model in [DBMS] Relational Database Management System?
There are five main components of data model... 👉 click here 👈
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