The ROM contains the essential information and the Hard Disk contains all relevant programs. What purpose does the RAM serve?
Q. The ROM contains the essential information and the Hard Disk contains all relevant programs. What purpose does the RAM serve?
i) ROM (Read Only Memory) is a
memory like a permanent type.
v) ROM stores the functions that as
a permanent program. For example: - sine, cosine, logarithm, square root, exponential,
code conversion table etc.
vi) ROM examples are Toshiba Mask
ROM, 534000 T.C.S. and 512 x
8 bits.
Hard Disk:
i) Hard Disk is the permanent
storage device.
ii) It stores the executable program
file that ready to execute and have many extension of the file such as (.e x e).
iii) The users are able to write the data
into the hard disk.
iv) It is a secondary storage
peripheral device.
i) RAM (Random Access Memory) is a
temporary memory.
iv) It is helps to program
executions and operates them.
v) It is also called read and write
vi) Information can be written into
and read from a RAM.
vii) It is called as Volatile Memory
which is temporary memory.
It is various
capacities for using memory as 256 MB, 512 MB, 1 GB, 2 GB, 4 GB and 8 GB etc.
ix) There are two types of RAM one
is Static RAM and another is Dynamic RAM.
xi) Dynamic RAM is losses its stored
information in a very short time (few milli seconds) when the power supply is
ON of the computer system.
What do you mean by the ram is read and write memory?
Read memory in the reference of RAM
- The ram in the reference of read memory is known as read the memory in a temporary manner. It means the ram is read when the ram is still working while the power supply is on. When the power supply is off then the ram is not reading from its temporary memory stores in ram, the ram deletes its own memory when the computer system is turned off.
- For example:- If you are using text editor in the computer system then the ram takes a load some part of its memory to provide some space to work on text editor, in this situation you wrote some sentences in the text editor and suddenly your power supply of computer system is off then it removed your written text data from your computer text editor and remove all steps such as open text editor and helping program to open your text editor all memories are removed from the RAM (Random Access Memory). This means that the ram cannot read your memory which you have written in the text editor and all steps for opening the text editor.
Write memory in the reference of RAM
When you are typing in a text editor or query to process on the computer system, it works on the RAM. That means the ram stores all steps to opening a text editor and your typing works on the text editor as a temporary work in the RAM, this is called write memory on the ram in a temporary manner.
What is the purpose of RAM in the computer system?
Purpose of RAM
- RAM is a temporary memory that means the memory loses when the ram will disconnect from power supply. There are two cases to be considered when you lose the temporary memory.
Image reference of the diagram showing the two cases of losing the memory from RAM
Case 1 when the power supply suddenly cut off
- When the power supply suddenly cuts off that means you are not using powerful battery backup from UPS or without UPS.
- You connected the computer system directly to the main switch of the domestic circuit.
- Suddenly, the electricity cut off from your area during some minor issues for a few minutes. In this situation you will lose your temporary work you are doing on the computer system.
Case 2 when the UPS battery backup is poor
When you are using poor battery backup into a UPS Device connected to the computer system in this situation it fluctuates your electricity into your computer system and you lose your temporary work or memory from the temporary memory RAM.
- The power supply is disconnecting when you are connected the whole system directly to the main switch and suddenly power supply is cut.
- The UPS of the system is currently not working properly or back up battery is poor.
- RAM takes loads to the programs during executing and it will provide space according to their capacity in the system.
What is the use of RAM in the computer system?
Uses of RAM in computer systems
- RAM is used to provide space work for reading and writing the memory.
- The ram used to read the memory in which you had written temporary work.
- The ram is used to write memory for temporary work which is not necessary to store in a storage device.
- The RAM provides temporary memory to operate loads taking any type of application software in the computer system. The application software takes loads and uses some parts of temporary memory which is provided by RAM space of a few parts of megabytes.
- Such as if you are installing an application software and it takes loads in 67mb per second, in this case ram provides 67mb part of 256 mb RAM.
- The ram also provides space of memory for helping program which is used to execute the program or any type of application software which is ready to execute for a specific result that gives output instruction from the application process.
What do you understand about the speed of RAM?
Speed of a RAM
The speed of a RAM is measured in the unit is mega Hertz which is denoted by MHz.
Some ram have moderate speed measured in milliseconds for a few seconds, a very short time to store data and lose the data after a few milliseconds.
Some ram have higher speed and retain the data and information while the power supply is still on.
Mostly the DRAM is refreshed from time to time according to 2 to 3 millisecond in depends on their speed of DRAM capacity. Where the DRAM stands for Dynamic Random Access Memory.
In the RAM there are so many memory locations and these memory location accessing times are same to all the memory locations. Such as one memory location is 1 Millisecond of access time, similarly all the memory locations have the same 1 millisecond to access memory location to store data or information.
Can ROM be considered permanent memory?
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