Introduction of data cables
Data cable is an important part of computer network model. From smartphone to supercomputer connections and wide range network uses
and network models. It helps in network model in different types of topology models also. But we discuss what exactly called a data cable? How it is working
with network model? Why these data cables are so important? In this guide, I will
provide some information about the definitions, types, uses of data cables on
network model with easy explanation of data cable covered topics.
What is data cable? [Definition]
A data cable is a wire that can transfer the data
from one to another computer system. It connects to the ports available on the computer
system. The user can transfer the data from one computer to another data cable
If two computers are connected then:-
In according to data cable male port:-
Port 1:- the male port of data cable is used to receive
the data from the sender computer.
Port 2:- the male port of data cable is used to
sends to the other connected computer through port.
In according to computer female port to send and receive data:-
Port 1:- sender computer have port to sends through
data cable.
Port 2:- receiver computer have port where the data
is receiving from data cable.
sends file.txt to user 2 through data cable using port
connected to each other male port of data cable.
Let some take brief history of data cables uses data transfer:-
to 1870s :- the data cable used for telegraph and
telephone cables for communication purpose. These cables are used for voice communications.
to 1950s :- in this time the data cable evolve for
twisted pair and coaxial cable for EMI [Electromagnetic Interference], Radio
communication and basic computer networks.
to 1980s:- In these years the new data cables are
evolving such as:- CAT 3 and CAT 4 which means category 3 and 4. But in ARPANET
uses coaxial cable and uses also twisted pair cables for data transfer.
to 2010s:- In these years new version of data
cables are evolved for higher data transfer such as:- cat5, cat5e, cat6 and
cat7 for 100 mbps to 10 gbps data transfer speed provided for large computer
network models and internet also.
to 2020s :- In these years or present times peoples
uses the fibre optical data cable based on over 10 gbps and cat 8 is also
evolved for higher data transfer for large area network models. Where the CAT8
have a large bandwidth approx. 2000 mhz
or 25 gbps.
Types of data cable uses on network model:-
- Coaxial data cable
- Twisted pair data cable
- Cat 3 to Cat 8 based on their speed category of data transfer on bandwidth low to higher
- Fibre Optical data cables for country to country data transfer
Uses of data cables:-
To transfer the data from one to another computer.
To make a peer to peer connections without network
To make a connect between computer to network device
for sharing data.
To share the application software interface and
The server, routers, switches, hub, gateways are
uses to transfer data through data cables.
Allows all types of layers application, transport,
data link, session, presentation, network, physical layers etc. uses differently
according to TCP/IP and OSI models.
Such as:- TCP model uses 4 four layers physical, application, network and transport layer, where the OSI model uses all seven layers supports uses with data cables.
Main components of data cables:-
Coaxial data cables-
- Solid copper wires inside the data cable
- Insulator cover over the solid copper wired to protect users.
Ethernet data cable-
- RJ 45 connector
- Twisted pair of copper wire
- Twisted pair of copper wired insulators for every paired wires
Fibre optic data cable-
- Fibre optic central glass core for light signals.
- Cladding for thin layer over the glass central or plastic to don’t allow to escape the light outside from cable.
- Coating extra over the cladding and thin fibre for mechanical strength for data cables.
Importance of data cables:-
- Reduces the physical work and travels.
- The data cable reduces time consuming problems.
- The user can communicate through text, image, audio and video database to share to each other.
- Educational data, business data, entertainment data, healthcare data and private communication or public communication shares to each other’s.
Conclusion for data cables:-
The data cables are made for digital communication between
computers. The user can reduce their time and distance to share the information
to each other quickly. It helps to grow digital communication and business
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