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Hardware component of the computer system

Hardware components of the computer:

Here are we discuss the hardware components of the computer system and these hardware works on the computer and their performance. How to working in the for the system of architecture and peripheral devices.

Hardware component of the computer system

Inside the component of hardware of Computer System Unit:-

Inside the system unit are the electronic components that run the programs, handle typed instructions and determine the result. Some of the common components are as follows:


The motherboard is known as PCB which is stands for "Printed Circuit Board". It is made up of Silicon and Germanium. These elements are Semi-Conductor. All the electronic components in a system are mounted on a piece of fiberglass called the motherboard. Fiberglass is used because it is a non-conductor of electricity and hence various components remain insulated from each other. Thin metal lines on the fiber-glass connect pins from one component to another, forming the computer's electrical circuits.

RAM (Random Access Memory) Chips

RAM is a volatile memory which is called temporary memory uses only during power on of the Computer System. RAM chips consist of black plastic integrated circuit chips with a row of pins on each side. They may be inserted into or soldered directly onto a printed circuit board. Memory Chips are usually inserted into the mother board in groups. A group of chips is known as a S.I.M.M. (Single Inline Memory Module). S.I.M.M.S. of various capacities, such as 512 MB or more are available such as 1-GB, 2-GB,4-GB etc according to system. These S.I.M.M.S. are inserted into S.I.M.M. slots to enable PC to store data in its memory.

ROM Chips 

ROM (Read Only Memory) chips, such as BIOS, contain data written on them during manufacture. It stores important instructions such as instruction that tell the CPU what to do immediately when you switch on your PC.

Display Adapter Card (Video Graphics Card)

A Display Adapter Card (D.A.C) links the CPU with the Monitor. It converts binary form of information into human readable form.

Disk Interface card 

A Disk Interface Card is necessary for communicating with a hard disk and other peripherals, such as floppy disk drives.

Input/Output interface card

Input/Output interface card is meant for input/output devices, such as printers or modems. It usually has one or two parallel ports, one or two serial ports and joystick port.

Expansion Slots

Expansion Slots are long, narrow connectors that allow you to plug in adapter cards, which offer extra options not available on a normal PC motherboard. For instance, one can plug a sound card, network card, etc. into these slots to enhance the capability of a PC.


A microprocessor executes all the program instructions and is truly the heart of the personal computer. It consist of a silicon chip on which tiny circuits are engraved through a photo - chemical process. These chips are available in different types and sizes. Some common types are Intel p4, Athlon etc. They contain the Control Unit and Arithmetic Logic Unit.

CPU Support Chips 

These chips help the CPU in managing different parts of the computer. Organisation name chip set is the one used on motherboard for supporting other devices.
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