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What are the 4 basic principles of web design?

What are the 4 basic principles of web design? Web design is a display form of websites that provides the interface for the client user and the admin user. The client user is different from the admin user because the client user is a user who visits the website as a customer for the admin user on the website. The admin user provides the service and management of the database for the client user to provide the service on the website. Web design is a term in which the developer applies some code to design the different types of design parts of the web pages to show the particular format of the data with the color design and pattern to apply on the web page on the website. Web design provides the interface of the admin user or client user to provide the interface of different types of options to the user to use and perform the event on the option to run the program in the website to process the task to complete it and get the output data from the program on the output interface of the par

What are three main components of a data communication system?

What are three main components of a data communication system?

The data communication system is a term that included the different types of devices which are used to provide the service to communicate through the different types of devices such as:- a microphone input device is used to sends the voice data to the connected user or direct calling system available on the website that provides different options depends on the users to choose on the website.

The keyboard input device is used to send the data in the form of text information by typing the text date to the through the website chat box or chatting application program to provide the chat space to enter the message to the user.

Data communication system is a type of model that is used to describe the different types of model properties such as:- TCP model, OSI model and UDP model to provide the connection between client user and admin users. The admin user provides the service to the client user and the client user take some services by the medium of payment method to receive their service. The data can be distributed to the client users who are connected to the particular data communication model which the user have to connect with their services provided by the admin users and company. Such as:- video data for entertainment purposes, video data educational purpose and the image data and text data provided to the user for still information of object and environment and the audio data is mostly used to voice calling communication system or video calling system.

Introduction to the related topic of computer network and data communication related topics is following below here:

What are three main components of a data communication system?

Let’s discuss the computer network and data communication topic and question above and their answers are following below here:

What are three main components of a data communication system?

There are some points on the computer system and data communication systems related to the topic of “What are three main components of a data communication system?” following below here:

What are three main components of a data communication system?

Three main components of data communication system following below here:-

  • Data communication system is based on the network model
  • Data communication included network device
  • Used for operating resource through network OS

Three main purpose of data communication system following below here:-

  • Data communication system is for sharing data to the user
  • It is used for reducing the time and get the file quickly to the user
  • The database can be secured through cryptography and security interface on account access

Let's discuss these points above about the computer system and the data communication system related to the topic of "What are three main components of a data communication system?" explanation following below here:-

Three main components of data communication system following below here:-

Data communication system is based on the network model

The network model is based on the network device that connects so many types of computers to provide the user can operate and uses the network model to send the information to each other through the network model which is included the data cable to transfer the data to the selected IP address of the computer system through the network device that provide the service of sending the message and the user can communicate to each other through the sending of information to the end user or client user through the user ID and the IP address on the network application for connecting the computer system.

The network model is a structure that is connected to many types of devices on the network model and connected to the network device for providing the connection of the devices such as:- input devices, output devices and storage devices. The input resources perform only to send the input data to the computer network model and the user can take the data from the network device in the network model. The user is connected to the network model through the different types of devices: the data cable, network device, input resource and output resource and the storage resource. The computer is connected to the network device which can easily send the data to the user to their computer system with the help of a data cable. The data cable is used to transfer the data packets in the network model and the data packets transfer to the computer depends on the speed of the data packets transfer such as:- in the unit of kbps, mbps, gbps etc. 

Data communication included network device

Data communication includes the network device that means the network device includes the different ports that connect the different types of IP addresses of the computer systems to connect and share the information using the four types of data: text data, image data, audio data and video data.

These types of data can be shared in the form of file and messages through the chatting application software to send the information and inform the user about the particular topic or subject or object depending on the message.

The network device decides the data sent to the user IP address of their computer system which is connected to the same network device.

Network model included the main device is a network device to connect many computers and the resources such as:- input, output and storage category of resources to make a system in the network model with the network device. The computers can able to transfer the data through the network device which provides the connection between many computers that can share the files in the form of data packets to the particular IP address of the computer system and the input resource is used to send the data or file to the user, the output data is used to provide the display form or audio data from the output resource on the network model.

Used for operating resource through network OS

Used for operating resources through the network OS means the network operating system provides the controlling system of resources to provide the output data or to perform a particular task on the network model to provide the output result from the output device that is connected to the computer system and the network model.

User can take that data which is processed from the network device or computer system to provide the output data to the end user of computer output device such as:- a hardcopy from the printer output device is printed through the another department or office of the computer connected printer output device to get the hardcopy from the next office because the first printer is not working properly.

The network operating system is used to connect the devices that are working with the network model that is based on the network device. The network OS provides the interface of controlling the input resources, storage resources and output resources on the network model. The user can share the data through the help of the interface of the network OS to provide the application layer and provide the interface to sends to the connected user on the interface of network os tool application that provide the chatting system or other interface to sends and receive the files such as:- text file, image file, audio file and video file.

Three main purpose of data communication system following below here:-

Data communication system is for sharing data to the user

The user can send the data to the other user through the data communication device which means the network device is used to decide where the data or message is to be sent to the IP address of the computer system and the user can receive the data from the sender in the data communication system.

Data communication systems include the devices and hardware to provide the system of sharing the data to the user on their computer system or the resources which are connected to the network model for the data communication system for users. The user can share the video data file which included all types of data such as:- audio is used to provide the voice and musics, image file can be animated according to the timeline of the video, the text data into the video for display to read the topic and provide the title also on the video to understand more about the video database.

The file can be transferred to the user through the help of a data cable which depends on the speed of the data cable such as:- 10 kbps, 100 mbps, 10 gbps or 1000 gbps or 1tbps. Some data cables are used generally in the local area network that has the speed to transfer the data between the 10 kbps to 100 kbps or 10 mbps to 100 mbps on the network model for the user. The file is divided into the data packets that are transferred to the computer system through the data cable and the unit of data cable transfer rate speed is followed by the data packets. Such as: 10 kbps data can be transferred to the particular IP address. If the data packet has a memory size of 10 kb that means the 1 data packet can be transferred in 1 second in the local area network model.

It is used for reducing the time and get the file quickly to the user

It is used for reducing the time and get the file quickly to the user that means the user get the file quickly through the network device in the data communication system to provide the service of sharing the data to the user and the user receives the data, file and messages from the network device which is working between two or more computer systems that takes and data cable and data packets which is sent from the sender and the computer of the user receives the data packets from the sender computer system in the network model.

The data cable is used to transfer the data packets and provide the data communication system between two or more users.

The network device and data cable has a major role in the network model to sends and receives the data to the user in the short time and share quickly the full information to the user depends on the data cable speed and network device can handle also the speed such as:- network device has mentioned the data transfer rate such as:- 10 mbps to 100 mbps of speed to transfer the data to the IP address of the computer and the mbps stands for megabit per second. This means the data packets can be transferred in the unit of speed which means if the data packet has a size of 1 mb data packet then the 10 data packets can be transferred in 1 second to the particular IP address.

The database can be secured through cryptography and security interface on account access

The database can be secured through the cryptography and security interface on the account access that means the security interface provides the design form that shows the interface of taking the input values and provide the protection of the user data in the data communication application software to verify the attributes such as:- a username and password which is common to all types of security layer working on the communication application software on the network model on the computer system. The user interacts with the security model with additional features of security such as:- username and password with the other questions and answers verification which has been setup by the user on the security layer on the data communication system application software on the network model on the computer system.

Where the cryptographic method is used to secure the data transfer and messaging from the other user who can steal the information of the user1 to user2 or many users transaction or communication. The secured cryptographic method included the code preparation such as:- ‘abcd’ is equal to the “I am” then the ‘bcda’ = “blogger” and the final meaning of “abcd bcda” = “I am blogger”. In this method the message can be sensitive to decode the message or encode the message in the cryptographic method. Cryptography is a secure method for sharing the secret message to the user which is a very sensitive database and necessary to transfer to the user.


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