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What is a social media app on a computer system or smartphone device?

What is a social media app on a computer system or smartphone device? Social media app increases the locality posts and provide the local information to the users who are uses the social media app in their local area and the user who wants to see the global areas information they can see the world wide new and other types of post to grow their knowledge and making followers to see the same result who follows on the user ID on the social media. The social media app provides the interface to the user to operate the different types of options and services to complete the task and enjoy the social media app. The user socializes when the user is talking to the other users and grows their knowledge also about the discussion topic which can also be a trending topic online. It is also helpful for the other users to grow their business after watching the trending topics online on the social media app. The user can touch the topic and get the full knowledge by asking many people who are using th

How to describe the RAM as a temporary memory and ROM as a permanent memory on a computer system?

How to describe the RAM as a temporary memory and ROM as a permanent memory on a computer system?


RAM is a memory chip device that provides the temporary memory space for the program files which are used to run on the environment of the operating system and the user uses the current application software then the program files are running on the computer and stored on the ram chip device. Such as:- a game application software is used to take loads and store some files on the ram chip device. The game company also mentioned the lowest requirements of Ram chip memory space on the computer system and other specifications on the game package application software which is used to install on the computer system. The large memory space of the RAM chip increases the speed of the computer system processing some program files. It removes their data from the space when the user closes the application software which is currently running on the computer system.


ROM is a permanent memory device which has been manufactured on the motherboard or PCB of the computer system. The ROM provides the fixed data to the CPU to use it and computes the program to get the final output data provided to the output unit of the computer system.

The ROM stores basically the formulation of sin, log, tan, cot, cos, sec etc. These formulas are used to provide to the CPU when the CPU needs the program to compute using these formulas. The ROM has erasable categories which the program can be removed to renew the ROM and use again the ROM chip installed on the motherboard or PCB.

Introduction to the computer system related topic of computer peripherals and the question is below here:

How to describe the RAM as a temporary memory and ROM as a permanent memory on a computer system?

Let's discuss the computer system related topic of "How to describe the RAM as a temporary memory and ROM as a permanent memory on a computer system?" explained below here:

How to describe the RAM as a temporary memory and ROM as a permanent memory on a computer system?

There are some points on the computer system and peripherals hardware related to the topic of "How to describe the RAM as a temporary memory and ROM as a permanent memory on a computer system?" following below here:

How to describe the RAM as a temporary memory and ROM as a permanent memory on a computer system?

RAM of the computer system:-

  • RAM is temporary memory for computer installed on slot over motherboard
  • RAM is a memory for storing the program file for running

ROM of the computer system:-

  • ROM is a permanent memory manufactured on the motherboard
  • ROM is provides data to the CPU for computing some program to get output result

Let's discuss these points listed above about the computer system and peripherals hardware related to the topic of "How to describe the RAM as a temporary memory and ROM as a permanent memory on a computer system?" explanation following below here:

RAM of the computer system:-

RAM is temporary memory for computer installed on slot over motherboard

RAM is a volatile memory which means the temporary memory for computers to store the data and program files which are running on the computer system in the environment of the operating system on the computer.

The RAM increases the speed of processing on the computer system to provide more space to store program files and decreases the loads of processing on the computer system.

The ram provides the temporary memory for the program to store and run into the environment of the operating system to provide the function to use on the application software. If the program is running on the computer that provide the display form of graphics data then the the program file of graphics that loads and stores into the ram to run on the application software when the user gives an input instruction to the application software to provide the best experience to the end user on the smartphone devices or the computer system that increases the speed of processing the data and the program. Where the cpu cannot store a program which is running at and execute on the application software when the user clicks on the computer or smartphone tap on the option.

RAM is a memory for storing the program file for running

RAM is a memory for storing the program file for running that means the application is installed on the desktop computer motherboard or PCB on the particular slot. The slot is a type of device that is implemented on the motherboard according to the busses calculation which is used to transfer the instructions and data from slot to CPU or CPU to slot of RAM where the RAM chip installed on the slot and the busses are used to transfer the data from the cpu to ram or ram to cpu depends on the scheduling of the cpu on the computer system.

RAM is a memory for storing the program file for running

The CPU is used to process the data to transfer the running program on the ram to increase the speed of the computer system. The CPU reduces the loads of program to process the other types of program which is currently is used to compute the program which is given by the user through the application to perform an event on the application to run the particular program which is used to provide the interface of the design form to takes input values on the program to compute the values and provide the output data to the output interface of the program which is controlled by the program behind running on the application software and during the running the program is stored into the ram space if it is available otherwise virtual memory is generated by the operating system to provide the virtual memory as a ram temporary memory. This virtual memory is collected from the permanent memory device such as:- hard disk drive or solid state drive on the computer system. In this case, the virtual memory has slow speed due the hard disk drive because the hard disk drive is mechanical device included the motor and the spindle to rotate the magnetic tape disk to read and write according to the speed of rotating such as:- 15000 rpm where the rpm is a unit of rotating speed of the hard disk drive which stands for RPM is Round per minute.

ROM of the computer system:-

ROM is a permanent memory manufactured on the motherboard

ROM is a permanent memory manufactured on the motherboard in the form of chip that is installed on the motherboard according to the busses setup on the PCB or motherboard to transfer the data to the CPU chip from the ROM chip installed on the motherboard on the particular place. The ROM is installed on the motherboard during the manufacturing of the motherboard or PCB of the desktop computer or laptop computer system.

Rom is a permanent memory which has been installed on the motherboard as a chip to transfer the data from the connected busses to the rom chip on the motherboard to shares the data and program which is used by the cpu on the motherboard for computing the program using some formula that provide the program used for computing from the connected bussed on the computer system.

Rom is basically connected on the motherboard as a permanently manufactured on the motherboard to transfer the data takes input instruction to perform that task to provide the program which is used to computed by the cpu to get the final result on the computer system to the output unit of the computer to provide the output data to the end user as the user gives input instructions to the computer system.

ROM provides data to the CPU for computing some program to get output result

ROM provides data to the CPU for computing some programs to get output results. That means the ROM is to provide the formula program to the CPU to provide the sin, cos, tan formula and program to provide the information accessed by the CPU. The ROM provides the program that is known as programmable ROM or P-ROM on the computer system.

Rom is used to provides the program data and instructions to the cpu to use to compute the data, instructions and the program when the user gives an input instruction from the input unit of the computer system to provide the output data to the user through the output unit after computing the data, instructions and the program.

Rom contains the program to provide the formulas such as:- sin, cos, tan and other types of program that provide the formulas to compute the program which is need for execute after processing the program using these formulas and provide the output result to the computer after computing the program and provide the output interface of the program in the design form of tool application of operating system or the application software which is additionally installed on the computer system. The rom chip also stores the instructions for the CPU to provide the instructions to the CPU when the CPU needs to perform on the program and provides the output result that transfers to the output unit of the computer system.


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