What is object-oriented and object relational database?
Object oriented database is used to process only object based data such as that file which includes the object is image data, audio data and video data. Where the image data and video data is a visualisation data using the pixel resolution considered as an object, but the audio data is different and considers the object data from the frequency patterns collected to record and play for the particular frequency timeline of the audio file.
Object and relational database models include both types of the data used to process such as text data for relational query processing and object database processes the image data, audio data and video data and animation data also.
ORDBMS (Object Relational Database Management System) is better than the ODBMS (Object Database Management System).
Introduction to the related topic of computer database technology and the topic is following below here:
What is object-oriented and object relational database?
Let’s discuss this topic is related to the computer database technology explain following below here:
In this topic you can learn about the object database model and object relational database model. Both are different from each other.
The object database model only processes the object based files and object relational database model processes all types of database files such as image data, text data, audio data, video data and animation files also can be processed by the object relational database model.
The object based files are used to define, manipulate and control the object based files. Where the object relational database model has another advantage is processing text data and object based files which generate the object database model into the relational database collected in the text data in the tabular form or relational database.
What is object-oriented and object relational database?
There are some points on the computer system and database technology related to the topic of "What is object-oriented and object relational database?" following below here:
The image shows the diagram of ODBMS and RDBMS points are mentioned in the figure and explained below the figure. |
Object oriented database model
- Object oriented database model is a object based to manage the object file
- Object based database model contains class, attributes and object
Objects relational database model
- Object oriented support in the ordbms
- Orm is used to generate the code from one database model to other such as object to relational model
Let's discuss the points listed above about the computer system and database technology related to the topic of "What is object-oriented and object relational database?" explanation following below here:
Object oriented database model
Object oriented database model is a object based to manage the object file
Object oriented database model is a object based to manage the object file that means the object file is a file which contain the object based data in the file which stores the object based and related to the object data or content, such as image data, audio data, video data, animation file etc. which contains object and considered as an object in their unit also.
For example:- if the image contains some detail the image has a graphics in the pixel resolution of data shows an object also which describes the coordinates x and y in the 2 D and 3D shapes shaded called object based files and these types of file is processed by the object oriented database program.
Object based database model contains class, attributes and object
Object based database model contains class, attributes and object where the class is used to categorised the object and an attributes are used for represent the data of object properties or characteristics, the object is a real life object which describes details in the object based files such as video file shows the object with their coordinates in the high pixel resolution with the frame rate per second of timeline unit of the video database.
Object file contains the object and its details. Also the object file describes the details in the attributes of the object and categorised by the different types of classes.
Objects relational database model
Object oriented support in the ordbms
Object oriented support in the ordbms means object relational database management system that means the object and relational database is a combination of two types of database model that is supported by the object relational database server application software.
This software provides the object database model and its language and relational database model and its language. Where the object database language called object query and relational database language called relational query but both are sql language to develop a database model according to their requirements such as object database is used to object files are image, audio and video data file.
And the relational database processes only text data or flat files which contain text data in the table format or matrix format.
ORM is used to generate the code from one database model to other such as object to relational model
ORM is used to generate the code from one database model to another such as object to relational mostly in the object relational database software through the ORM language command is used to generate the code with the database model such as object database model to the relational database through the ORM command on the software.
ORM is used to generate the code of query language and database model when the database model needs to develop the object database model to relational database model through the ORM language command to generate the code and model of the database to see the detail of the object in the record of the relational database.
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