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what is data cable? Types of cables, uses of data cables, importance of data cable explained!

Introduction of data cables Data cable is an important part of computer network model . From smartphone to supercomputer connections and wide range network uses and network models. It helps in network model in different types of topology models also. But we discuss what exactly called a data cable? How it is working with network model? Why these data cables are so important? In this guide, I will provide some information about the definitions, types, uses of data cables on network model with easy explanation of data cable covered topics. What is data cable? [Definition] A data cable is a wire that can transfer the data from one to another computer system. It connects to the ports available on the computer system. The user can transfer the data from one computer to another data cable connection. If two computers are connected then:- In according to data cable male port:- Port 1:- the male port of data cable is used to receive the data from the sender computer. Port 2:- th...

What is chatbot ai and how it works? What is a Chatbot ai on the computer system?

What is a Chatbot ai on the computer system?

The chat bot ai on the computer system

The chat-bot ai is an application software that is controlled by the artificial intelligence program to talk to the customer to provide the service introduction to the customer to receive with some particular option given by the chatbot ai if the chatbot is selected to provide the service of sales or advertising on the application software.

What is chatbot ai and how it works? What is a Chatbot ai on the computer system?

Most of the chatbot ai talks with the user and gives some answer to reply in the chatting space on the particular application selected by the customer on the chatting space.

The chatting space is a space that the users can chat through the text data and image data or audio data or video data sending to each other using the service available tools on the chatting server application software on the computer system.

The chatbot ai is used to complete the task on the chatting on the chatting serve to talk to the user when the user reply the message according to setup which has also created by the developers and provided by the chatbot ai to the user who want to use the service and who is interested on the service to receive the message from the chatbot ai on the chatting server.

Chatbot ai provides the model of option to choose by the user to reply to the answer to be understood by the chatbot ai which is a program of artificial intelligence.

Sometimes it could be dangerous due to highly sensitive programming algorithms to implement in the program to talk to the user using the chatting server. When the chatbot ai is in dangerous zone then these bots can collect the data from the internet and make its more intelligent as comparison to the old version

And also makes their own language which is also a dangerous term of the chatbot ai of the chatting server and these points of dangerous zone are considered to develop the limited purpose of chatbot ai to provide some interface of selecting options to the user on the chatting server.

What are the uses of chatbots ai on a computer system?

The uses of chatbots ai on a computer system

The chatbot ai is used to provide a service to the user when the user wants to see some policy of the service on the chatting server of the application software.

The chatbot ai talks to the user or communicate to the user through the particular of the option given by the chatbot ai which setup by the chatbot developers and provided to the user choose their option to check their content and policy of purchase some services which is related to the particular service providing business on the chatting server or social media.

The chatbot ai works with the social media that needs to talk to the user who wants to communicate with the company and make a partnership on the company such as business of channel, page. Link pages, social pages or posts etc.

The chatbot ai provide a method to talk some fixed string but it need to update daily from the internet database of the user talking to each other or searching from the search engine and other types of ways to collect the data to analyse and make some information using artificial intelligence program to develop the new database by collecting the data from the other area of the internet.

Most of the chatbots ai update their new database to talk to the user as the experienced chatbot ai also can save the data by asking the user a new collection of the data getting from the user talk to the chatbot and saves the new data into their database of chatbot ai.

The saved data collected by the chatbot ai for the user can be used to talk to the user as a user command to save it to use in the talking system of the chatbot ai application software.

Simple for the user to talk by increasing their talking system database of the chatbot ai and development of more chatbot ai features according to the user and chatbot ai communication system and collected database to learn something from the user.

What is the importance of a chatbot ai on a computer system?

The importance of a chatbot ai on a computer system

The important part of the chatbot ai is really to talk to users like customer care which is very useful for the company to provide the service which is updated daily by the experience of database and survey information to download from the internet such as search engines and social media.

The chatbot ai is an application software for the user to make an important role for improvement the database of talking to the user make sensitive daily to improves and more intelligent for the user to make a good experience of the chating system for the customer on the chatting application conversation to communicate and understand for the user to purchase a product or other types of service to make and taking feedback for the company to improve the quality of services after collecting the feedback database of the user.

The chatbot ai increases daily their talking experience and database to improve the services of chatting to the user or customer on the chatting server.

The chatbot ai provides the service to the user to talk or communicate without any employee for the company on the chat process. It works using the chatbot ai program to communicate between or more users at a time in a parallel communication system.

The chatbot ai processing the chatting method experience on the program daily increases their database to improve more than earlier talking to the user.

The user shares the new words to the chatbot ai that means the chatbot ai saves the words that are new for the chatbot ai database and use when the chatbot ai needs to talk to the user in the chatting server application or website for communication system.

The chatbot AI program proves daily and more intelligent after downloading information from the internet to access databases to improve and learn more. Chatbot ai program is very sensitive to use, so it can be dangerous for the user or the whole company due to the depending of the misuses of chatbot ai.

What are the advantages of chatbots ai on the computer system?

The advantages of chatbots ai on the computer system

The chatbot ai provides the free conversation to the chatting server to talk to the chatbot ai and there is no user or admin to communicate the user to talk to the conveniences the decision on the social media or other service to the user to discuss about the particular product or object on the chatting server application on the computer of a particular company or organization to the user.

The chatbot ai provide the service to the user for communication about the particular topic and improve the chatbot ai service by talking to the user to make more sensitive for the user to make better choice of option on the product or other decision if the user has comfortable and chatbot ai knows from the database collected from the user about the user and saved it to user when the user need the right ans of the particular question which the user says to save it and remember when the user asks to talk about the particular topic on the chatbot ai database. Most of the users forget about the subject when it needs to remember and necessary to complete the task which has the user forget the subject related query, here the chatbot ai can remember about the particular subject and its related information for the user also downloaded from the internet additional information of the subject.

You can set up an alarm on the mobile which is connected or if the user is connected to the chatbot ai device at home by giving a command through the voice of the user.

You can control the home appliance set up into the home architect design connected through the network device and chatbot ai device through the wireless medium. Home appliance means the device which is connected to the network device such as wifi or other network device to control the electrical device such as fans, tv, tubelight or bulb etc. are connected to the domestic circuit at home.

What are the disadvantages of the chatbot ai on a computer system?

The disadvantages of the chatbot ai on a computer system

The major disadvantage is the self thinking of chatbot ai on the social media chatting service to talk to the user to improve itself when the user needs to improve to remember some database the chatbot ai can remember about the particular subject to talk about it previously.

The chatbots ai are dangerous in the social media to download information about the whole working and chatbot ai programs can effect to develop their own language and attack on the whole social media and make some dangerous think of program that can affects human physically by developing some machines but don't worry chatbot ai are fixed and limited their programing method and they don't crosses their limitation if it do then it could be dangerous for people in the future.

The chatbot ai is limited at starting of uses these chatbot ai does not have stored database which is given by the user to talk some database to save such as nick name of the user, any special word to thanks, remember festival words etc. are the special words that are user to give to the chatbot ai to save it and make a database to remember when these database need to use the chatbot ai can use. 

So at starting there is no database to save some special words and other additional databases.

Most of the chatbot ai are limited to talk form the chatbot ai about the particular service given by the company to talk with the chatbot ai.

Chatbot ai can be if the chatbot ai hacked due to the viruses and chatbot ai increases their processing limitations to process more database and make a network to the other types of hardware resources to control such as home appliances can be effects at home to damages their service which includes fans automatically off and on, smart television, light system effects due to connected with chatbot ai devices can be dangerous to the people who uses at home with home appliances and other automations models.

Chatbots ai with malicious files affect the database of the mobile device of the user and collect their personal details if it is hacked from another unknown user.

If the chatbot ai is working with the social media Then the social media also affects corrupted chatbot ai because it updates and makes their own languages to talk to each other and hacked all the social media sites and their database for their own reasons to develop more itself as a comparison to the human race.

Where does the chatbot ai use on the computer system ?

The chatbot ai use on the computer system

The chatbot ai uses in the social media to provide a service of purchasing some products on the chatting to the chatbot ai to collect the information from the chatbot ai to provide similar and the right choices of the product on the social media which provides the product for sale and other services that is used to purchase on the social to make a profit by the user on the social media and make a good community of the social media service also.

The chatbot ai needed to talk and improve their database to make it more sensitive than previous days and get the smart talk to the user to make a better communication system on the other websites service or mobile application software to the user on the mobile device.

The chatbot ai uses to control the chat to the customer who wants to give a suggestion and decision provided the option by the chatbot ai to the user to choose it and purchase their.

The chatbot ai also uses to control the home appliances that make a control using a command to operate by the voices of the user at home to control without any take a physical action on the domestic circuit to on and off the electrical devices such as fan, lights connections, bulb, smart tv, wifi turn on and off etc. which are connected to the wifi or wireless medium to the chatbot ai devices to control by the voices of the user by giving a command to chatbot ai devices.

The chatbot ai uses to communicate to the people through the artificial intelligent database which is expandable with the new information to develop more than the previous version and communicate with the user learn also the new words database and saved into their database to use when that word need to process and say to the user due to meaning of word and include into the sentence etc.

Some chatbots ai are fixed to chat to provide the specific option to the user to choose if they take their service such as purchasing advertisement service offered to the user provided by the chatbot ai on the chatting server or application software to use it.

The chatbot ai provides the service also to the user to talk about the advertisement service through the chatbot ai and know more about the services provided by the company through the medium of conversation of the chatbot ai to the user.

Will the chatbot ai be used in the future on computer systems?

The chatbot ai is a future of the technology to developing continuously on the mobile devices or computer system on the specific website or chat application for the user to talk with the user and waiting also their response of the user and suggest the better solution of the user or service for the which is made for providing the offers to the user to collect information about the particular service of the website or other type of application software of the company.

The chatbot ai is the most powerful AI program that includes a complex database which is made for improving daily and updating daily from the internet service on the mobile devices or computer system with the network device.

The chatbot ai is use also in the survey technology to provide the survey to the user and collect the information by the user given in the survey and provide the database about the user opinion or idea to develop some object or subject to provide the service to the user who consumes the service and uses the service after created by the survey collection of the data to make an ideas to develop such as application software is mostly depend on the survey collected by the software development company to the end user to use their services available on the application software on the computer system or mobile devices.

Chatbot ai is used to research on the marketplace to analyze the data from the user to search the data through the search engine also to collect and analyze the data to make a proper information for the company to make good product for the user where the user want to particular product on the place which need and more useful for the user.

Suns creams is used in the beach places area to purchase the creams to protect their skin on the beach through sun strokes or other type of disease on the skin and another data can collect to make good market analyze tool for the company to profitable for both company and the customer for product at market place such as beach near area.

Another example such as the application software developer needs to develop an application and they need feasibility study on the making of basic computation model of application software then the chatbot ai help to survey and collect and information from the internet and search engine to collect the information what people are searching on it then they develop the application model after analysis the data from the collected data through the chatbot ai of the computer system or mobile devices.


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