What are the disadvantages of the Maintains in application software development?
Maintenance in application software development also has some disadvantages that can harm the development of a project of application software.
Drawback of maintenance of application is used to add new Hardware resources decreases the speed of the application software to process and support and work slowly with the new hardware devices of the computer system added to the application software and it's database to control it to take input and provide output data to the end use on the application software on the computer system.
The maintenance also added new concepts of logical and design interface which will be difficult to understand new technologies and work with slowly due to new experience of the application software with new look to find right option quickly on the old version and slow to find in new look as compared to new looks of the application software on the computer system.
Introduction to the computer related topic of computer application software development topic is following below here:
What are the disadvantages of the Maintains in application software development?
Let’s discuss this computer related topic of computer application software development and the topic is "What are the disadvantages of the Maintains in the application software development?" explanation are following below here:
In this topic you can learn about the disadvantages of maintenance of the application software which provide the new looks experience which takes time to understand the application software design interface and work with the new technology of the application software.
Some applications software no need to update the new looks in the design interface but the hardware resources slow the speed of application software due to new versions and the problem of supporting new hardware devices which need to take fast input instructions according to the new computer system hardware resource on the computer system. They also need to update the new information files which is very costly to maintain the application software.
What are the disadvantages of the Maintains in application software development?
There are some points on the computer system and application software development related to the topic of "What are the disadvantages of the Maintains in application software development?" following below here:
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In this image shows the diagram of disadvantages of maintenance in application and points mentioned and explanation below here. |
- Maintains is costly for the application software due to the hardware resources requirements with new version
- Maintains is required time to time otherwise the software will corrupted through malicious files
- Maintenance of the database is in the logical level to find the difficulty the fault operations of query on the data
- Maintains the application also get an idea from the survey collected from the application of the end user about the application software
Let's discuss the points above about computer system application software development related to the topic of "What are the disadvantages of the Maintains in application software development?" explanation following below here:
Maintains is costly for the application software due to the hardware resources requirements with new version
Maintaining is costly for the application software due to the hardware resources that means the resources requirements are costly due to new versions in the market.
The application software needs to add the new hardware due to update the information and files into the application database and the update is also included to fix all types of bugs that creates a miss behave of the design interface, does not take input value or provide the output value to the user and so on.
In the application software update covers all types of file which are missing on the application software to provide the service for the end user.
Maintains is required time to time otherwise the software will corrupted through malicious files
Maintenance is required from time to time otherwise the software will corrupted through malicious files that means the malicious files are the types viruses, malwares, worms etc. That can harm your database in the storage device of the computer system.
The storage device has not any type of protection to remove the malicious files except the operating system firewall.
The storage device also stores the installed files of the application software database that can be corrupted on the computer system and the losses in the database of the application software such as program files, database files and other related files of the application software.
Time to time the maintenance is required in the application software to increase the security features of the application software and make so many types of protection on the application software to save the database.
Maintenance of the database is in the logical level to find the fault operations of query on the data which is difficult to find
In the maintenance of the database is difficult to find the fault in the database such as operation perform on the data which means the manipulation command is not working on the data, controlling command of the data cannot work or define the data also not working on the database file that mean it need to maintenance and testing the all types of queries that perform on the database.
The database is stored in the permanent memory which is accessed by the application software and accessed only by its database and related files.
When the user gives some commands that cannot perform on the database then the testing process clears all the types of operations that perform on the data on their application software.
Maintains the application also get an idea from the survey collected from the application of the end user about the application software
Maintenance the application also get an idea from the survey collected from the application of the end user about the application software that means the feedback is the data collected for improving the testing process to make better test process and perform to clear more and more bugs that exist into the application software that means the feedback is can be negative from the end user when they had responded on the feedback as a negative points that are collected into the feedback to analyse the data to improve the testing process on the application software that makes better improvement and maintain the application software and process system to compute the input value and provide the output data to the end user because most of the complaint also on the particular service and tools that is not working properly and also tells about the tools or services that faces the technical problems on the application software.
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