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What do you mean by database application on the computer?

What do you mean by database application on the computer? The database application provides the database tools to manage the data in the model of relational database. The relational database model application includes the different types of option and applies some query processes on the record of the database file and their attributes values in the table database. The query is performed by the query processor on the record using the key attributes on the relational database model. Database application included the different types of parts that process the data into the database file, where the user mostly uses the relational database model to process the text data in the table format of database file which included the record, attributes and query processor to apply the commands on the record to process the values of the attributes on the records of the relational database file. The user get the solution of the output data using the database programming to get the values processed by t

What is transmission mode on a computer?

Introduction to the related topic of computer system following below here:

What is transmission mode on a computer?

Let's discuss this topic is related to the computer system following below here:

What is transmission mode on a computer?

There are some points on the computer system and data communication system related to the topic of "What is transmission mode on a computer?" following below here:

What is transmission mode on a computer? There are some points on the computer system and data communication system related to the topic of "What is transmission mode on a computer?" following below here:

  • Transmission mode is a method to share the data to the user through specific device 
  • Transmission mode depends on the type of connection between two communication nodes
  • Transmission mode is divided into three parts simplex, half duplex and full duplex
  • Mostly used the Transmission mode is full duplex on the computer system and mobile devices

Let's discuss the points listed above about the computer system and communication system related to the topic of "What is transmission mode on a computer?" explanation following below here:

Transmission mode is a method to share the data to the user through specific device 

Transmission mode is a method to share the data to the user through a specific device. That means the method is a type of communication system to share the data to the receiver who receives the data from the sender through the specific hardware device.

Transmission mode is a method to make a communication system in a different way to send the data or transmit the data from one port to another targeted port.

Simplex, half duplex and full duplex are Transmission modes of communication systems to make a different way to send the data and receive the data depending on the transmission mode of the communication system.

Transmission mode depends on the type of connection between two communication nodes

Transmission mode depends on the type of the connection between two communication modes or ports. That means the simplex needs an input device to the computer system to give only the instructions to the computer system, which is the simplex mode of communication.

Half duplex connection type is dependent on the hardware resource of the communication system such as the walkie talkie device.

Full duplex mode needs a computer system and application software with network devices such as server, router, hubs etc. These types of devices both receive and send at the same time the data from one computer system to another connected computer system.

Transmission mode is divided into three parts simplex, half duplex and full duplex

Transmission mode is divided into three parts following below here:

Simplex mode communication system

Simplex mode is one way to communicate with the device for the user such as controlling the device which is connected to the computer and the device is controlled by the command or instructions, in case the device cannot be able to send instructions to the computer, the device only can receive the command or instruction.

Half duplex mode communication system

Half duplex mode is a type of communication system that connects both receiver and sender user through the particular device such as walkie talkie device mostly used for one time sending only one message to the user who receives and receiver can send after completing the previous message from the sender.

Full duplex mode communication system

Full duplex mode communication system is a very flexible mode of communication system that means both types of user who uses the communication device and send and receive the message at the same time also receive the message at the same time known as full duplex mode of communication system.

Mostly used the Transmission mode is full duplex on the computer system and mobile devices

Mostly used the Transmission mode is full duplex on the computer system and mobile devices through the communication system application software such as text data chatting, video chatting, audio chatting, voice calling, video calling, message sending, auto notification system, email sending etc. Are there many types of communication system used in the computer system and mobile devices during full duplex mode of communication system.

Social media connection is the most strong full duplex mode of communication system that includes mostly all types of methods to send and receive the message in the form of text, audio, image, video data and its combination of data.


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