Introduction to the computer system related topic and the topic is following below here:
What is the meaning of the process of execution on the computer system?
Let's discuss the computer system related topic is mentioned above and the explained following below here:
What is the meaning of the process of execution on the computer system?
There are some points on the computer system and fundamentals of computers related to the topic of "What is the meaning of the process of execution on the computer system?" following below here:
- Process of execution is possible through the file
- When the Program is ready for execution on the operating system
- When the execution of the application software on the operating system
- Any input instruction is ready for execution on the operating system
Let's discuss these points listed above about the computer system and fundamentals of computer system related to the topic of "What is the meaning of the process of execution on the computer system?" explanation following below here:
Process of execution is possible through the file
Process of execution is possible through the file that means the file has some data which is used to process the data of the file. After the processing of the file, the file is executed on the operating system.
Process of execution is work on the file, program, data and instructions that are provided by the input device only.
Process of execution is work on the file when the user commands to use it to take an action on the file such as open that file.
Then the operating system processes the instructions to open, which means the file can be executed after opening a file on the monitor output device.
The process of execution of a file that is possible when the user commands to open a file through the specific application software which is used to support that file to open into the application and shows the database included into the file.
The file is commanded by the user to open the file through the input device.
When the Program is ready for execution on the operating system
When the program is ready for execution on the operating system it is necessary to give command to open and run the program in the specific application software that supports file with its extension.
The program is group of functions and data included into the file of the program which is stored into the permanent memory of the computer system.
The application software access the program file and run into that application software that means the program has executed after compile the file data to prepare output data to the computer system.
Such as in the integrated software is used to provide to develop new application software then the file which includes program for application software is executed after command to compile on the IDE software and run the file after accessing.
When the execution of the application software on the operating system
When the execution of the application software on the operating system that means the application software is a form of program that execute into the operating system when the operating system allow to support to execute their files to give output to the end user of the application software.
The application software is a group of program that is used to give the output after the execution of the programs that includes into the application software.
The launch file is a progra to ready for execution after giving a command to open the launch file of the application software to run into the operating system on the computer system.
The CPU process and compile the developed program launch file of the application software to run on the operating system on the computer.
Any input instruction is ready for execution on the operating system
Any input instructions is ready for execution on the operating system when the input devices sends the input instructions to the computer system.
The operating system takes the input instructions from the input device which is connected to the CPU cabinet.
The input device sends the input instructions then the input unit is used to take the input instructions and sends to the process unit of the cpu.
Then the input instructions after giving the output data, the input instruction is executed after processing work on the input instruction on the CPU and execute on the operating system on the computer.
The input instructions are so many types which is temporarily stored into the temporary memory such as register memory, RAM, cache memory etc.
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