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What do you mean by database application on the computer?

What do you mean by database application on the computer? The database application provides the database tools to manage the data in the model of relational database. The relational database model application includes the different types of option and applies some query processes on the record of the database file and their attributes values in the table database. The query is performed by the query processor on the record using the key attributes on the relational database model. Database application included the different types of parts that process the data into the database file, where the user mostly uses the relational database model to process the text data in the table format of database file which included the record, attributes and query processor to apply the commands on the record to process the values of the attributes on the records of the relational database file. The user get the solution of the output data using the database programming to get the values processed by t

How many fields are available in the Design view of DBMS?

Introduction to the computer DBMS related topics are listed following below here:

How many fields are available in the Design view of DBMS?

Let’s discuss the computer DBMS topic and questions above listed and their answers are following below here:

How many fields are available in the Design view of DBMS?

There are some points on the computer system related topic of "How many fields are available in the Design view of DBMS?" following below here:

How many fields are available in the Design view of DBMS?

In this image shows the model of entity relationship and the entity is 'design view' of the DBMS and their connected attributes are so many attributes to add, contain option to add attributes, making records with so many fields and fields expressed properties of objects and subject showing in the figure.

  • The design view is a section of the any type of DBMS software that contains option to add the attributes for the particular record
  • There are so many attributes to add on the record contains the database
  • The DBMS software provides functionality of making the record with so many fields on the design view in the form of graphical user interface of software
  • The fields are the attributes of the records or tuples on the database system that can be expressed the properties of the object or subject on database file on the DBMS software

Let's discuss these points above about the computer system and database related topic of "How many fields are available in the Design view of DBMS?" explanation following below here:

The design view is a section of the any type of DBMS software that contains option to add the attributes for the particular record

The design view is a section of the application software of any type of DBMS where the user can see the data which is stored in the file of the database. The database contains an icon beside in the list of files which has been created by the user or end user on the DBMS software. 

The database is a file from the DBMS software which has been saved into the memory of the storage device of the computer system. The design of view shows the record in the form of the graphical user interface of data managed through the sequence of strong attributes on the database file. The design view also provides an option to manage the data of the cell which is stored into records, where the cells are the reference of the attributes and records intersection parts of the database in the relational model of the database software.

There are so many attributes to add on the record contains the database

There are so many attributes to add on the record containing the database. That means the database has a model of relational database which contains tuples known as rows and attributes known as fields of the relational database model.

The attributes are infinite in number to add on the record of the particular object and subject according to their properties in the relational model on the database file.

The attributes are used to express and define the speciality of the object and subject that it recognizes to use for a particular relation on the record into the relational database and also attributes are used to make a relation between two or more than two relational databases. The attributes are also able to change with the name of the type of property at the top of the column.

The DBMS software provides functionality of making the record with so many fields on the design view in the form of graphical user interface of software

The DBMS software provides functionality of making the record with so many fields applied on the record in the design view using options through the mouse input device because the design view is used to operate the database software using mouse input device to control the database without any apply query operation on the records. The user can just apply some queries with some option available on the navigation bar or menu bar on the tab of formula or query to apply on the record to manipulate the data of the record such as sum, max, min, count, insert, select, etc. The user can choose the option to apply the query option if the database software provides these options to apply it. 

This is so easy to apply on the record in the database file.

The fields are the attributes of the records or tuples on the database system that can be expressed the properties of the object or subject on database file on the DBMS software

The field are the attributes of the records or tuples on the database system that can be expressed the properties of the object or subject on the database file on the DBMS software for expressing the properties of the records which is used to find the records and also identified the uniqueness of the record on the database file. The attribute makes relation between two or more records according to the matching some same attributes such as city of a particular person record, states, departments, apartment etc. 

The attributes help to find the record and relative data of record contains the same attributes matches in the database file when the user applies the "select" query on the record into the database file. And the same attributes containing records came out from the database file.


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