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what is data cable? Types of cables, uses of data cables, importance of data cable explained!

Introduction of data cables Data cable is an important part of computer network model . From smartphone to supercomputer connections and wide range network uses and network models. It helps in network model in different types of topology models also. But we discuss what exactly called a data cable? How it is working with network model? Why these data cables are so important? In this guide, I will provide some information about the definitions, types, uses of data cables on network model with easy explanation of data cable covered topics. What is data cable? [Definition] A data cable is a wire that can transfer the data from one to another computer system. It connects to the ports available on the computer system. The user can transfer the data from one computer to another data cable connection. If two computers are connected then:- In according to data cable male port:- Port 1:- the male port of data cable is used to receive the data from the sender computer. Port 2:- th...

what do you mean by attribute inheritance in DBMS

What is an attribute inheritance in DBMS?

  • The attribute inheritance is a high level entity.
  • The attribute inheritance is also known as low level entity.
  • There are two types of level is a properties of the attribute inheritance.
  • It can be create by the generalization.
  • It can also be create by the specialization.
  • You can relate the high level properties to low level entity properties.
  • You can also say the properties of the entity in high level such as name, city and state can be relate to the low level entity of name, city and state.
  • In the attribute where the higher level entity is known as superclass entity and lower level entity known as subclass entity.

In the image shows the account entity employee have a degree of master in business administration, account employee can be deserve to post on the manager with their experience but here the attribute inheritance is an MBA degree for manager post.
In the image shows the account entity employee have a degree of master in business administration, account employee can be deserve to post on the manager with their experience but here the attribute inheritance is an MBA degree for manager post.

Image shows the entity relationship model and it contains the attributes inheritance of department of company

The manager is an entity of the department of the company in the image shown in the diagram of the entity relationship.

The entity of manager post is connected to the Engineer Employee entity, Account employee entity and Technician employee entity with their attributes of the name, diploma and bachelor degree. But the account employees have a master degree to promote their post to the manager post using the attributes inheritance of MBA degree attribute.

In the diagram of the manager post that is connected to the three types of entities which are Technician Employee, Engineer Employee and Account Employee who have their own certificate of the ability on their education qualification, and this helps to join their jobs according to their certificate and experience of study in fresher or experienced.

An example of attributes inheritance in a school reference.

Suppose there are so many students in a school studying in different classes. Let us consider their attributes. Such as they are students, they are categorised by the class. Students have roll numbers in a classroom.

Take a class 11th A two students have their same name, locality, city and students but unique identification as a roll number.

Here the student is a superclass and their specialisation is a roll number and their name with other detail.

So their attribute inheritance is the student. Both are the student properties and inherit each other. 

So what about the high level entity in a student and lower level entity in a student.

The high level entity students are above 70% in their study performance. 

The lower level entity students are below 70% of their study performance. 

Let's another example related to the company organisation personal data how to related the person's attributes into the database following below here:

A worker who works for a computer development organization that provides computer systems to the users.

The head of the particular department such as hardware devices development department to manage the department. The head of the department HOD of hardware devices development developed the model to new order and worker can for them. 

In this case the workers have a common attribute which computer hardware devices workers and the head also work to manage that department of computer hardware devices development, so both attributes are inherent to each other using common attributes which computer hardware devices development inherited from their entities.

What is the meaning of the attribute inheritance in DBMS?

The attribute inheritance in DBMS

There are some points on the attribute inheritance in DBMS following below here:

Attribute inheritance work on the super class or high level entity and subclass or lower level entity in the DBMS.

Attribute inheritance is a common attribute in both superclass and subclass or high level entity and lower level entity connected to each other through the same attribute of the both entity or class.

If two people are famous on a particular social media site and another person is not famous on the same social media site.

But their strong attribute is to subscribe to each or follow each other. 

That means the "follow" attribute is an inheritance of attributes for both the entities on the social media. 

They can talk to each other through the private chat on the same social media if the social media allows a chat option for that rule.

What are the advantages of attribute inheritance in DBMS?

Advantages of Attributes inheritance in DBMS 

There are some points on the advantages of attribute inheritance in DBMS following below here:

The attribute inheritance makes a connection between two types of entity or class, superclass and subclass.

The attribute inheritance provide shares information due to their inherit their attribute which is common in both superclass person or subclass person

Subclass takes profit by connection of the superclass person 

Subclass is controlled by the superclass due to connection of same attribute that inherit to each other

For example of attribute inheritance in DBMS using the head and technician 

A head of the department can access the technician of a particular department of the head due to the inheritance of attributes such as "phone number" for immediate work for the technician to work on the particular task.

What are disadvantages of attribute inheritance in DBMS?

There are some points on the disadvantages of attribute inheritance in DBMS following below here:

Attribute inheritance accesses the super class object or entity to the subclass or lower class entity or object, where the subclass can take advantage but losses for the superclass due to sharing detail.

If a subclass person is not a good or genuine person, the company can access the important details about the particular model of the business. It is profitable for the subclass person to lose for the superclass the due access of the attribute inheritance of two entities or more entities.

If the superclass is corrupted data and inherited attributes between super and subclass then the subclass is affected by the superclass. Because the superclass can control the subclass through the attribute inheritance of a particular attribute for the subclass or lower level entity.

What are uses of attribute inheritance in DBMS?

The uses of attribute inheritance in DBMS and there are some points on the uses of attribute inheritance following below here:

The attribute inheritance provides a connection between super class and subclass object or superclass entity and subclass entity.

The superclass can control the subclass entity due to this attribute inheritance function in the DBMS model.

The subclass takes advantage of the superclass entity or object such as how to access their other classes by the superclass people?

The superclass can control the subclass people and provide the new information to other classes of people such as announcements of new events in the office by the head of the department of the particular organisation and company through the employees who are in the subclass category and connected to the attribute which is inherited from the head of the department on the particular office.

What are the advantages the lower class entities take from the superclass entity in DBMS?

The advantages of the lower class entity taking from the superclass entity in the DBMS points are following below here:

Lower class entities take profit from the superclass entity such as new information, model share, profitable business system query files, important files from one department to another department etc.

An employee can take advantage from the superclass entity or head of the department when their attributes inherit to each other such as file operator manually or online submit system. The employee can read the file if that file is not protected from the password or cannot be editable on the document application.

For example: of the lower class entity 

Suppose the lower class entity has an attribute connected with the head of the department due to file management then the employee of the department can connect with the HOD head of the department.

Lower class entities can gain knowledge from the other model of business that is profitable to the company in future and that employee can earn some knowledge to manage the system using some protocol to grow the business model of the company due to reading the file database of the particular model from the head of the department office and also access the valuable file for the company that contain valuable database such as high cost product.

Which type of figure is not an entity shows below in the image :-

  • A) figure
  • B) figure
  • C) figure
  • D) figure

Answer is D) "figure" is not an entity.

The entity is a part of the entity relationship model to describe the subject or object or person in the diagram to show how the entity is connected to which types of attributes in the graphical representation.

A, B and C are types of entities which describe general entity, strong entity and weak entity as respectively according to the sequence of A, B and C.

Where the D is a figure of attributes or general attribute figure which is used as general to see the detail inside the oval shape of the figure in the option 'D'. That means you can include and type text data into the attribute figure. Here the attribute shown in the image is empty also entities are empty.

What is attribute inheritance? Why is attribute inheritance important?

An attribute inheritance is a function and mechanism on the DBMS for processing the attribute inheritance functionality on the database model.

It is working with the object database model and applying the attributes of the object used in the object database model.

If the subclass entity is in the hierarchical database, the model inherits to the superclass of the hierarchical database to access the information to each other using the inheritance. The entity of the subclass is inherited from the superclass entity.

It is also used in the object and relational database model in which the object is processed with the relational database attributes and defines the object as an entity in the object and relational model.

Importance of attributes inheritance uses in the database model:-

This provides the superclass entity shares the properties to the subclass entity that takes a benefit of attribute inheritance on the object relational database model for reducing the extra information included in the database model and maintains the data consistency on the database model.

The attributes inheritance applied on the database model increases the performance of the queries applied on the database records, objects and their attributes in the database file.

The attributes inheritance reduces the duplicate data recorded in the records on the relational database model of the object details as property or attributes which means common attributes used many times can be reduced due to applying the attribute inheritance functionality.


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