If the Transfer certificate is an object then what kind of the attributes and classes in perspective of the object oriented database management system model?
How to shows the transfer certificate is a real world object then what types attributes and classes in perspective of the object oriented database management system model?
The Transfer certificate
The transfer certificate
is real worlds object which is hard copy provided by the school system. If the student
cannot follows the rules and regulation in according to the terms and conditions
of the school then school system decides the transfer certificate program to
apply on the student. There are some attribute and classes designed in
according to the object oriented database model.
Name of student
It is a class of the
student object which divided into three attributes in the fields. All fields
are the holds the character data type.
{First name = Character
Data type}
{Middle Name =
Character Data type}
{Last Name = Character
Data type}
These are the
Attributes of the class ‘Name of Student’.
Name of Parents
It is a class of the
student object which relates to the transfer program certificate. Their fields
or attributes are first name, middle name and last name. It holds character
data type in the all fields.
{First name = Character
Data type}
{Middle Name =
Character Data type}
{Last Name = Character
Data type}
These are the
attributes of the class of ‘Name of Parents’.
The Postal Address
It is a class of
transfer certificate and their fields or attributes are Plot number, Street
number, City name, State name and Pin code in according to the object oriented
database model. It holds both the character and numerical data type in their fields.
{Plot Number =
Numerical Data type}
{Street Number =
Numerical Data type}
{City Name = Character
Data type}
{State Name = Character
Data type}
{Pin Code = Numerical
Data type}
These are the fields
that hold different type of data type.
Admission number
It is an attribute of
the transfer certificate object. It is weak attribute in the object to just
verify the student database of the previous school with their address
verification. It holds the both the character and numerical data type in their
{Number in Digits =
Numerical Data type}
{Number in Words =
Character Data type}
It depends on the
transfer certificate that written in the both format of admission number.
Transfer Identity Number
It is a strong
attribute in the transfer certificate object to identify the transfer certificate
with this attribute. It holds the combination of character and numerical data which
makes strong and unique attribute. It is text data type format in the field of
transfer identity number.
{Number in Digit and
Character = Text Data type}
School Name
It is an attribute of
the Transfer certificate object which tells another school the previous school’s
name. It holds only the character data type in the field of School name.
{Based on Character =
Character Data type}
School Address
It is a class of the
transfer certificate object. There fields are plot number, street number, city,
state and pin code. It holds depends on the fields of data type.
{Plot Number =
Numerical Data type}
{Street Number =
Numerical Data type}
{City = Character Data
{State = Character Data
{Pin Code = Numerical
Data type}
Validity of Certificate
It is another strong
attribute of the transfer certificate object. The transfer certificate follows
the validity time period which is given in the object with their terms and
condition provided by the school system.
{One month = Character
data type}
The principal permission
It is a class of the
transfer certificate object. The principal verified the transfer certificate
with their signature and stamp of the school. There are the fields in the class
of principal permission are name of principal, signature and stamp. It holds
different types of data type.
{Name of Principal = Character
Data type}
{Signature of Principal
= Image Data type}
{Stamp of school Principal = Image Data type}
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