What is a system design website?
System designed website is a model of the website which is used to provide the interface of the website to provide the user interface to operate the website on the computer system.
The system design model also contains the database model to manage with rule applied database through the query program or command into the integrated programming to implement the database query perform on the data when the user chooses the option such as to create the file click on the design interface option on the website to perform that operation on the database on the memory of the computer system storage device and server side is used to perform that operation on the server side scripting language program to create a file on the memory of the storage where the website database is connected to the device with the network device such as server and memory devices.
Client side interface is created using some client side scripting language program that also works on the off page setting on the browser and the file is accessed from the memory device of the computer system to provide the created interface to the user and shows on the browser application software on the computer system.
Introduction to the computer system related topic and the topic is following below here:
What is a system design website?
Let's discuss the computer system related topic is mentioned above and the explained following below here:
In this topic you can learn the website interface and the system design of the website for the client user and admin user to operate the website with different types of steps and protocol available on the system design of the website.
The system design of the website is to provide the user interface to the client user to operate the website and take services to use it and get benefit from the website.
The service is a task to complete on the website such as upload and save the image data, audio data, and video data etc. On the available cloud based storage on the website database which is a personal database for the client user.
What is a system design website?
There are some points on computer systems and web development related to the topic of "What is a system design website?" following below here:
- Design interface of the website pages to the client user
- Design interface for the admin user who provide some service to the client user
- Code for the behind working of client side interface
- Code for the behind working of the server side interface and backend processing
Let's discuss the points listed above about computer systems and web development related to the topic of "What is a system design website?" explanation following below here:
Design interface of the website pages to the client user
Design interface of the website pages to ye client user that means the design interface of the website is used to show the activities and action performed on the screen on the web pages which has shown in the browser application software through the connected link of the website server or network device of the website.
The design interface is used to provide the to use the options and services of the website available to the user for using the service online without any download of the application software into the computer system and the user can just uses through the browser application software to uses the service that available on the website provided by the company to the client user such as document file website prepared work on the website to uses it services that available on the website to create a document file to types and save the data into the web space that again also provided to the user through the website as a cloud space to store the text data, image data, audio data etc on the website to the client user. Here the client user only can create and access the saved files into the cloud space of the website but their admin users are used to operate the interface behind the working of the cloud space and website such as management of the website database of the users that are client users on the website.
Design interface for the admin user who provide some service to the client user
Design interface for the admin user who provide some service to the client user that means the design interface of the admin user is to provide some different options and forms interface looks to control the service that provide to the client user on the website portal who uses the service of the website is a client user for the website interface so that the user of admin interface is used to provide the service through the control of the admin user interface to operate and uses to upload the data, service providing, database sharing can do from the admin user interface of the website to the client user.
The design interface for the admin user who provides the service to the user to use it. The admin user interface most common components of forms contains the button to upload the file and database, image data files upload buttons, labels added into the page, title includes, product video upload, text data upload about the product etc. These are the types of most common components of the admin user interface for the client user on the website that they use to operate and use the service available on the website for the user easily to operate and get the product also from the website service such as purchasing product on the website.
Code for the behind working of client side interface
Code for the behind the working of the client side interface that means the code is a program for a website can be changed due to changes in the services available on the website for the client user to use their services and get the product of the particular website or organisation or company that is uploaded in the admin user interface.
Here the code is used to change the design look and als service of the website using the server scripting language to change the processing method also to make it faster than the previous performance of the website.
The server script program processes the data which is inputted into the value of the text box by the client user through their client server using the client mobile device or computer system with network device.
Code also can change the method of processing the data on the website and design looks changed by the client scripting language of the user.
The client user side scripting language program controls the database which currently processes on the web page to get the final result or output to process by the server side program to send to the admin user to consider and process it.
The client side scripting program can reduce the workload of the server program scripting to make fast processing of the data that is working on the backend processing.
Code for the behind working of the server side interface and backend processing
Code for behind the working of the server side interface and backend processing that means the server side scripting program processes the data of the user which is given by the input device of the computer system on the web page on the site. The user uses the client side interface of the website which is used to take input data client processing the data using client scripting language program on the web page to reduce the loads of processing on the server side interface program such as backend processing work of the database which comes from the total of the client side program result after the clicking on the submit or ok button behind the code of the button interface on the web page on the site.
The user can only stores the data in the text box of the web page and client process the data and to proceed the remain data using the server side scripting language program to store or other calculation then store the data using the server side scripting program to process the data using the query language and server side programing language combination to process complete and get the final result of the website to the user output data on the website to provide some notification or other types of pop up interface of form that developed under the server side scripting language program that working behind the interface of the client side.
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