Introduction to the computer peripherals system related topics are listed following below here:
What is CISC in computer architecture?
Let’s discuss the computer peripherals system topic and questions above listed and their answers are following below here:
What is CISC in computer architecture?
There are some points on the computer system and cisc related to the topic of "What is CISC in computer architecture?" following below here:
The cisc is a complex instructions set to perform many operation such as:
- Memory Loads
- Arithmetic operations
- Storing the data
Let's discuss the points above about the cisc related to the topic of "What is CISC in computer architecture?" explanation following below here:
The cisc is a complex instructions set to perform many operation such as:
Memory Loads
Memory is a space of the computer system that the cisc performs to store the file into the memory space provided by the storage device such as permanent memory of the computer system that is used to store the file and database.
Memory Loads refers to loading the file from the storage device of the computer system and the file is ready to execute to perform the output data after processing of the file through the CPU. When the cisc type of cpu performs to execute the application on the operating system on the computer then the file is executed to support the execution of the particular application to perform a task on the computer system to give output data after processing work on the application file. Some files are supported to execute the application file on the operating system on the computer.
Arithmetic operations
Arithmetic operations are performed by the cisc known as complex instruction set computer is a type of cpu that is used to perform the several operations like arithmetic operations on the computer system. Arithmetic operations are used to solve the computing problem using addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Moreover, the operations are also taken from the ROM which contains many functions such as tan, sine, cos, log etc. These are also used for solving the computing problem on the CPU to perform an output data to the output unit of the operating system to the output devices of the computer system.
Arithmetic operations are performed by a single instruction on the cisc and controlled by the control unit.
Storing the data
Storing data means the data is stored into the register memory of the primary memory and the primary is a temporary memory for storing the instructions, data and program temporarily on the space of the primary memory.
The primary memory is used to provide some space to store the program, data and instructions to access the CPU to take and execute them on the operating system on the computer for the user in the form of output data.
The storing the data is an operation that is executed by the cisc or complex instruction set computer and the CPU controls the data to store into the primary memory space. The cpu is directly connected to the primary memory to take data, instructions and programs which are stored temporarily into the primary memory space.
The cisc executes the operation of storing the data into the primary memory to use to take the data when the cpu needs to execute as the execution process is scheduled.
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