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What do you mean by database application on the computer?

What do you mean by database application on the computer? The database application provides the database tools to manage the data in the model of relational database. The relational database model application includes the different types of option and applies some query processes on the record of the database file and their attributes values in the table database. The query is performed by the query processor on the record using the key attributes on the relational database model. Database application included the different types of parts that process the data into the database file, where the user mostly uses the relational database model to process the text data in the table format of database file which included the record, attributes and query processor to apply the commands on the record to process the values of the attributes on the records of the relational database file. The user get the solution of the output data using the database programming to get the values processed by t

What do you mean by program execution monitor on the operating system of a computer system?

Introduction to the related topic of computer application software in the computer system world and the topic is following below here:

What do you mean by program execution monitor on the operating system of a computer system?

Let’s discuss this topic is related to the computer application software in the computer system world explain following below here:

What do you mean by program execution monitor on the operating system of a computer system?

There are some points on the computer system related topic of "What do you mean by program execution monitor on the operating system of a computer system?" following below here:

This image is used to show the properties of the program execution monitor application software

  • program execution monitor gives the report to the user of the application perform currently using in the computer system
  • program execution monitor allows to permission closing the application software when the application software does not closing due some programs 
  • program execution monitor is an application to show the activities of the program behind working on the computer system
  • program execution monitor shows the Malicious files by the detection of the higher consuming memory space currently and cpu usage

Let's discuss these points above about the computer system related topic of "What do you mean by program execution monitor on the operating system of a computer system?" explanation following below here:

program execution monitor gives the report to the user of the application perform currently using in the computer system

The program execution monitor gives the report to the user of the application the performance which is currently used in the computer system when the user calls the program of opening the application software. The application software is using some RAM and the program execution monitor shows the report of the application using the memory space of RAM.

The program execution monitor shows also the CPU working percentage on the application software. 

When the user opens the application software it takes some memory space according to their files and programs to be executed on the computer system for the user to use the interface of the application software, application software takes some space for executing and graphics for output data to the user through monitor.

The application software is ready for output data to the application software through the output device that also takes some memory of the RAM and CPU usage.

program execution monitor allows to permission closing the application software when the application software does not closing due some programs 

A program execution monitor allows the permission of closing the application software when the application software does not close due to some programs running parallel or executing at same time and when the particular application software is executing on the computer system.

That means the computer system gets hung up due to two or more application software being opened at the same time on the computer system or executing on the computer system. In this case the program execution monitor application is used to close the task of the application software when the task of execution of the application on the operating system and computer system. To end their task for closing the application software. This action also solves the problem of stucking the computer system.

program execution monitor is an application to show the activities of the program behind working on the computer system

A program execution monitor is an application to show the activities of the program behind working on the computer system when the user opens and closes or working with the application software, or using any type of the application of the operating system then the program execution monitor shows activities of taking memory space of the RAM and CPU usage. The RAM gives the memory space to the application software to run the program for giving output data to the user.

The program execution monitor shows how much memory is being used from the RAM for the particular application software in the detail of every time what time executes and other information of taking memory from the RAM and CPU usage etc.

program execution monitor shows the Malicious files by the detection of the higher consuming memory space currently and cpu usage

program execution monitor shows the malicious files by the detection of the higher consuming memory of the space currently and CPU usage during the program on the computer system. Where the program is a task that executes on the computer system through the permission of the cpu after giving the input instructions of the user through the input device to the computer system. 

The malicious files are detected by the unusual activity and their performance on the program execution monitor list of the programs taking the CPU usage according to the application software and taking a large amount of the memory space of the RAM (Random Access Memory) on the computer system.

The program execution monitor shows the activities of continuously taking random memory of space and high CPU usage when the computer system is slowed down due to CPU usage being more used on the application software that could be malicious files or dangerous files which can harm the devices and database of the storage device.


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