Introduction of data cables Data cable is an important part of computer network model . From smartphone to supercomputer connections and wide range network uses and network models. It helps in network model in different types of topology models also. But we discuss what exactly called a data cable? How it is working with network model? Why these data cables are so important? In this guide, I will provide some information about the definitions, types, uses of data cables on network model with easy explanation of data cable covered topics. What is data cable? [Definition] A data cable is a wire that can transfer the data from one to another computer system. It connects to the ports available on the computer system. The user can transfer the data from one computer to another data cable connection. If two computers are connected then:- In according to data cable male port:- Port 1:- the male port of data cable is used to receive the data from the sender computer. Port 2:- th...
Try to create the manage staff section of the school department and their different classes with objects using the Object oriented Database Management system model.
How to create the manage staff section of the school department and connections of different classes and object using Object oriented Database Management System model?
The Manage Staff class and their objects
- The Manage staff is a class as a part of the school management system in the school.
- In the Manage Staff class there are three objects vice principal, account staff employees and Teachers staff which is exists in the real life objects.
- The strong connected line is a sub class of the mange staff class shows inheritance of the classes.
The Vice Principal staff class
- It is the real world object in the class of vice principal staff.
- The vice principal is the real world object and their name is property of the object.
- Their gender is another property.
- Their identity number is unique attribute or property of the object that identifies the object is not copied in the model.
- It is manage the school discipline which is the property of the vice principal.
- It can take meeting of the teachers for their good performance of the school.
- School performance is connected to the meeting indirectly depends on the teachers.
The Account Section Staff
- In the account section staffs their employees are real world objects and their rolls are properties of the objects.
- The account section staff manages their school fees received by the student for school.
- Preparing payrolls is property of the class of account section staff.
- Salary management is connected the property of the preparing payroll which is manages the salary of the all employees are worked for whole the school and their staffs.
The Teachers staff class
- It is a class and objects are teachers which is real world objects.
- The properties of the teachers are preparing the student records.
- Teacher manages their time table for teaching the student in their class of the student.
- They manage exam preparation for the students to take an exam.
- They also have the Relational database of the attendance of the student regularly.
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