Discuss the input and output values in the database on the application software? The input values come from the input resources such as:- a computer has different types of input resources: keyboard, mouse, scanner, camera, microphone etc. these are generally used on the computer system. The output values are provided through the output resources such as:- speaker provides audio data or sound and the printer provides hardcopy to the user, and the monitor output resource provides display form of text, image and video or motions and still graphics animation to the user. So, the application software processed the input data that comes from the input resource to process it and provide the output or to store into the storage device. For example:- If the application software is used to process the BCR data comes from the BAR code reader then the application is used to process input values from the BCR to store into the database file or it can be prepared for a hardcopy form a bill to the cust...
If the student is object oriented based database model then what kind of properties and classes of the student object.
How to implement the student object in the object oriented database management system model classes and their attribute?
The student object and its class
- In the student object there are some fields and classes are given in the class of the ‘Student’.
- The Name of the student is a character property of the student object data.
- The class is field that represents the ‘class in school for student’ which is connected to the strong line.
- The roll number of the student is unique property in the class room in school.
- The address of the student data is composed data for future use to find student record and holds the address record of the student.
- The Time table of the student is the attribute domain which is connected to the dash line (----) time table attribute.
- Fees of the school are money to submit the school which is defined for their criteria of the student classes.
- Admission number is a unique identity number which is recorded in the admission register database.
- Transfer certificate of the student
is another class of the student if the student is not eligible for school of
terms and conditions that student follows in the school.
- School performance of the student is a property that of the in the school that student will prove the student performance is good other than weak student in their study and health condition.
- Curriculum activity is hobby of the student where the student can take an interest such as music, art, roll acting etc.
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