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Discuss the different types of points on the data processing on the computer system?

Discuss the different types of points on the data processing on the computer system? Data processing is a term on the application software  on the computer to provide the result on the output interface of the application software or software system to provide the digital solution on the computer and the user to get the information or output data to use for other tasks. The data processing is based on the program which is working on the variables values put on the program to process in the process model or functions used in the program to provide the output data to the output unit of the application software or software systems on the computer system. Data can be processed using programming language used in the application software to provide the output data to the output unit of the application software. The data input comes through the input resources on the computer to put the value in the program to process data and provide the output data to the user. Data can be managed throug...

introduction to Computers

What is a computer ? or What do you mean by computer ?  

"A computer is an electronic device machine which takes inputs and processes to give desirable outputs as we want to perform a specific task by logically processing a system which is to be set up by register memory."


A computer is a very versatile electronic machine

created by humans.

It has made a great impact on our everyday life.

This electronic machine are generally uses some

places such as :-

  • Home 
  • School 
  • Colleges 
  • Office
  • Industries
  • Hospitals
  • Banks 
  • Malls
  • Retails stores 
  • Researches
  • Organizations

etc and some department uses.

A computer is basically a compiling machine of the
program which understands
binary instructions.
Earlier computers were used for complex
They were costly and hence only
Large organizations could afford them.
Then technological advantages in designs and
fabrications of semiconductors devices
(semiconductors such as neither insulator
nor be conductor for example [Si] Silicon and Germanium [Ge]) namely , the microprocessor has made it
possible for smaller organizations and
even individuals to afford.
These computers can not be asked for faster
calculation but also for storing and
retrieving information.
They can be used to control chemical processes
and machines.
They can even measure and display physical and
electrical quantities and
send photographs electronically or Digitally.

Note :-

A computer can not only store and process

data but also retrieve data that means

gather data from

its memory or storage as and when required,

thus a computer is a general term that refers

to an electronic data processing machine

used for a wide range of activities.

The word computer comes from the word 'compute'

that means to calculate the data

which we give to the computer as input. So normally

considered to be a calculating device

that can perform arithmetic and logical operations

at an enormous speed.

But more accurately, it may be defined as a device

that operates upon data for calculation.

Now we have a full form of computer 😄

C-  Common
O-  Oriented
M- Machine
P-  Particularly
U- Used
T-  Technical
E- Educational
R- Research

What are the uses of computers?

There are some uses of computer in daily life are following below:

You can type by using a computer keyboard.

You can play games on a computer.

You can watch videos on a computer.

You can draw a painting on a computer.

You can talk to other people by using a computer

You can do programming on a computer.

You can search from a computer.

You can store data and information on the computer.

You can create an application software from a computer.

You can watch time on a computer.

You can watch the date on a computer.

You can create a database on a server on a computer.

You can access the internet on a computer.

You can shop by using the internet on a computer.

You can join a class on a computer.

You can join meetings on a computer.

You can study on a computer.

You can enjoy songs on a computer.

You can store photos and images on a computer.

You can video chat on a computer.

You can video call from the computer.

You can download files from the computer.

You print a file from the computer.

You can do editing on a computer.

You can create videos on a computer.

You can create animation on a computer.

You can create graphics on a computer.

Which type of device that can be installed into the CPU cabinet of computer system?

a.      a. Compact Disc

b.   b. Floppy disc

c.   c. Pen drive

d.   d. Hard disk drive

Answer is d: the hard disk drive is used to install into the computer’s CPU cabinet of the desktop model. It is a storage device that provides to stores the database of the user and operating system, application software and the web application etc. the hard disk drive is a mechanical storage device to provide standard speed to read and write a data into the disk inside the hard disk drive in the CPU cabinet of desktop computer.

Does the computer system delete the data itself from the hard disk drive that was installed on the computer’s CPU cabinet? [ T/F]

False, because the hard disk drive is a storage device which is permanently used and it is not a temporary memory to delete the itself after turning off the computer and the hard disk drive is a permanent storage device to stores also after turn off the computer and the operating system does not removes the database files from the hard disk drive once the data has been stores. Without the end user permission or given instruction the database cannot be removed from the HDD storage device of the computer.

Let's takeaways some points from this topic following in summary below here:-

1. The computer system is an electronic device and machine for computing value to output data.
2. The use of computer systems is in college, hospital, Home, School,  Office, Industries, Hospitals, Banks, Malls, Retails stores, Researches, Organizations etc.
3. The electronic devices are used in computer systems based on semiconductor material such as:- Ge, Si means Germanium and Silicon.

I hope you from this topic “ What is a computer ? or What do you mean by computer ?  
  ” and you can enjoy this informative post that i have published and provide you to the information technology or computer science related solution or questions/answers provided in the topic to study and happy learning 🙂


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