Characteristics of computer:-
The following chart to remember point for characteristics:-
Computers have the following characteristics,
depending on their type and use:
A) Fast speed of calculations and storing of information.
The computer depends on their processor. The Processor processes the calculation megahertz [MHz] to Gigahertz [GHz].
Basically the processor is responsible for the speed of the computer but there so many peripheral devices which are connected to the motherboard are shortly responsible for increasing the speed of the computer.
B) The ability to take in information and store it for future use.
The ability of computers to store the data and information in the storage devices such as Hard Disk Drive and Solid State Drive. These are the biggest storage devices to store the information and data or database in a long time to use in the future. Computers can retrieve the information and data from these types of storage devices. Other short storage devices are the pen drive, DVD and CDs.
C) The ability to take a variety of instructions for execution of tasks.
The ability to take the information in different ways such as keyboard, mouse and voice control by humans. Keyboard gives the instructions to the computer as an input device to process the processor their ASCII value of the key or button of the keyboard.
Similarly the mouse is also an input device to give the instruction by left or right keys with their different instructions.
Voice control such as mike gives the sound frequency and the computer catches the frequency for the operating system or search engine.
D) The ability to use simple logical rules to make decisions for their own internal control or for the control of some external activity.
Some programs are waiting for execution through the processor the cache holds the programs to take some execution time. If an application is open in the operating system the supportive programs are executed to complete the execution of the application. This means the application takes some time for a few seconds to execute the programs.
E) The ability to communicate with other computer systems.
The ability to communicate the computer to another computer system possible with a topology system and network database system model. Network computing is the best way to communicate with computer systems.
In the communication of computer systems you can share the data and information or database to use for business and educational purposes.
F) To carry out computations and analyze accurately and with speed.
The computer is like a calculator where the calculator is to calculate the digits using a given expression sign to give the desired result. Similarly computers compute the instruction and process it and give the desired output with a response in the system.
Let us consider about 20+ characteristics of computer system below with categorized in a particular topic
Ten Characteristics of computer in according to the Computer organization
- It is a complex electronic machine with a PCB [Printed Circuit Board] which is called a motherboard.
- The motherboard connects so many peripheral devices and is very complex with CPU chips..
- The CPU Processor contains trillions of transistors in the latest versions of microprocessor.
- The CPUs have so many registers.
- There are three components of the CPU : ALU [Arithmetic and Logic Unit], CU [Control Unit] and Main memory [Primary memory]. These components made up the complex chip which is the CPU.
- In the CPU where ALU takes Arithmetical and logical instructions, program and problem to solve them into the Central Processing Unit in computer.
- Register is a memory that very fast takes input and gives output.
- The register is the fastest memory of the computer. It works only in the CPU processor.
- In the Motherboard there are thousands of capacitors and resistors built during the development of the PCB Printed circuit Board.
- The RAM is only that memory which provides the space up to 2 GB for processing the application in the operating system.
- The RAM is also called temporary memory.
- There is permanent memory available in the storage devices such as HDD or SSD.
Characteristics of computer in according to the Operating system
- One processor can handle the parallel operating system.
- The computer can process multitasking in one operating system.
- You can share operating systems between one computer to another computer using network computing.
- Operating systems can allow the peripheral devices to operate permission to the end user.
- Computer provides the environment to the application software to run through the operating system.
- Computer has three types of user interface which are command line interface, batch command interface and graphical user interface.
- Computer has three types of operating system which are DOS [Disk Operating System], Batch Operating system and Graphical operating system.
- It has driver software to drive the application software in the operating system.
- If you need to install the device in the computer system it is necessary to install the driver software in the operating system.
- You can use the parallel system for connected device currently using such as printing and scanning at a time
Five more characteristics of computer in according to operating system
- You can use mike to control the operating system by your voice instructions.
- You can change the operating system command instruction in voice as given by default name “hey operating system name”.
- You can connect the joystick to play the game on the computer.
- The games are mostly dependent on the RAM [Random Access Memory] for their virtual space.
- Operating systems detect the threats and viruses by their own ability of system walls to unusual files or program behavior.
100+ of the computer characteristics:-
Keyboard has 100 to 109 keys on the device.
Mouse has two keys: the left and right keys and the
scrolling wheel.
The keyboard has its own PCB printed circuit board
which is sent to signal to the computer CPU.
Computer connects so many peripheral devices to the
CPU cabinet.
Computer mother is a printed circuit board which is
inbuilt by or manufactured by the company.
The mother is the base of every peripheral device
to connect with.
Where CPU is the brain of the computer which is
attached in the mother setup field.
Above the CPU, the Aluminium (Al) shield with a fan
attached to the CPU chip.
Computers can make a connection of the topology of
their network diagram.
You can use the CPU of the computer system as a
main server in the topology network.
Computer can make a network of star topology where
the main server is in the middle of all connected systems around the server.
Computers can make a network of bus topology where
all systems are connected in a parallel system.
Computers can make a network of ring topology where
all systems are connected in a series one by one.
Computers can make a network of tree topology where
all systems are connected in the following rule of parent and child connection
as a tree shape.
Computers can make a network of mesh topology where
all systems are connected to each other and make a net of wires.
Computers can make a network of hybrid topology
where two or more topology network systems can be connected to each other makes
a higher data transfer network for a community.
Computers can connect to the mobile USB cable where
the cable type is “mobile to USB”.
Computer connects to mobile using wireless
connection of WIFI or Bluetooth connectivity.
You can use mobile as a modem of the internet for
the computer internet connection using wire of USB cable type.
You can send the data using the data cable of USB
type computer to mobile and mobile to computer where you can also both the type
of storage database such as internal database and memory card storage database.
In the wireless connection of computer to mobile
you can use password to protect your data and privacy of the personal database.
Computers can connect WIFI by their WIFI Card when
you plot the card on the plotter of the WIFI plotter on the motherboard.
The WIFI card has green and red LED light emitting
diodes to indicate the signal behavior of the WIFI connections.
The red indication of the WIFI connection is bad
and the green indication of the WIFI is good for signals or a high speed
internet connection in the WIFI card below the tower stick of the WIFI card.
WIFI range is between 2 to 10 meters only to
connect both the devices.
The signal regulator is given below to show the
strength of the signal of WIFI in the computer system.
You see the profile according to their IP address
of which you provide the hotspot server.
When you connect the WIFI in the computer it
automatically detects their IP address.
The IP address stands for Internet Protocol of the
server or any port.
When you connect the server to the computer they
have different ports of the Data cable with different IP addresses of the
server to the computer.
The server connection is possible to the computer
when you set up the IP address in the address box.
The IP address of any port or connection including
wireless all addresses are in the form of Number or you can say Digits.
In the keyboard there are so many keys used to type
in a document in a maximum quantity.
In the keyboard shift key is used to capitalize the
alphabet in the typing.
Where the caps lock is also the capital of the
alphabet but it continues to capital form the alphabet.
The computer detects the current time of the clock
by using 3v+ battery cell attached to the motherboard.
3v+ battery provides the power to the system clock in the operating system of the computer which recharges when you are on your system if the battery is low to charge.
3v+ is also known as lithium battery (3v+) 3 volt
battery attached in the computer system in the motherboard to control the real
time setting of the clock.
A web browser is an application that is provided in
the operating system by default in the computer system.
Web browsers interact with the interface of the
computer system to other systems by using the web page interface.
You can connect the CPU to Television and use it as
a computer monitor.
The connection between Television and CPU is VGA
The second connection between television and CPU is
the HDMI cable.
The VGA stands for Video Graphics Array that
connects both CPU and monitor.
The HDMI stands for High Definition Multimedia
Interface used in the latest technology cable in the computer system which is
new in the market.
There are so many input and output peripheral devices that computers can operate them.
Such input devices are mouse,
keyboard, light pen, joystick, track ball, touch pad, game controller, mike
etc. And output devices are speaker, monitor, printer, driver, indication of
all over the system etc.
The computer system can handle two or three input
or output devices as a parallel working system in order to perform commands
received by the end user.
The main memory is a volatile memory that stores
necessary programs to the operating system to operate them.
The main memory stores data permanently which are
necessary to the computer system for specific application during execution.
This is a temporary memory you can use till when
your computer system is working in power on situation otherwise you will lose
the data.
You can create a complex database model that makes
best performing applications in the applications in the computer system.
You can create an additional security application
to block the accessing of the attackers and save the database from these
You can increase your security level in the
computer system to protect from malware or viruses by using a security layer
such as a firewall or any interface of security code and additional application
of virus protection as an anti-virus application.
By using word processing applications you can
prepare a document with good standing performance of hard copy by the printer
and soft copy as the text or word processing documents.
By using spreadsheet application software you can
create spreadsheet files which are used to make good performing on accounting
purpose data items in a relational model system.
This spreadsheet application provides all types of
functions that are used in the science, account, and art data in a relational
model system in the computer system.
You can understand the processing of computers in
some steps which show the computer characteristics such as taking input sends
to the processor, then the computer computes the given instruction and sends to
the output device unit, then output devices show the final results for you.
Computers are known as multimedia devices that have
to take and give instructions for different types of multimedia devices which
are connected to the computer system such as printer, projector, scanner, bar
code reader etc.
The minicomputer is used by the business class
person to make people smart in their business.
Supercomputers are highly recommended to science
technology because these computers have the highest level of processing in
In computer systems, the part of the CPU, the
control unit, is the basic part of the CPU and the control unit mainly is known
as the brain of the computer system.
The control unit controls all the programs that can
be executed to be performed in computer system architecture.
The control unit also controls the timing of the
system clock that works behind the program execution for performing the output.
Some instructions to be performed from the CPU. For
instructions execution during execution of the instructions some programs are
auto execution to getting help to execute the given instructions in the CPU.
Computer system writes the data in the storage
device permanently.
The permanent storage device of the computer cannot
be deleted permanently.
If you have deleted the data through the delete
command from the storage device, the pointer variable cannot access the address
of the data to access the data from the memory of the storage device.
The computer system allows multiple threading
operating systems to execute a program for an application.
The elements of a thread are executed in a parallel
way during multithreading.
A thread in an operating system is a group of code,
memory and data structure in one thread.
The output unit controls the output devices in the
computer system architecture organisations.
Similarly input devices are controlled by the input
unit in computer architecture and organisations.
Busses are the connection between CPU and memory to
transfer the information, data and instructions.
Similarly, busses connect the input and output
peripherals and share the information, data and instructions.
Busses are three types in computer architecture.
These are data bus, address bus, control bus. These are the main busses
generally used in the architecture of computers.
Busses are a group of connection lines in between
memory and input/output system to CPU.
Computer allows the back memory system to recover
the previous data from memory.
The back memory system is used to store some
important programs such as compiler, operating system, database server or any
application you had lost in the past days to recover these.
In the latest operating system the backup and
recovery system are already available in a system application of the operating
The back and recovery can be stored in a secondary
memory. The secondary memory is known as the storage device such as magnetic
tapes, floppy disks, DVDs and flash drives etc. These storage devices are used
to recover the previous data for your computer system.
In computer processing the computer responses 0 or
1 form at one time only.
The computer makes one decision at a time in the
logical form of true and false, yes or no, 1 or 0 binary.
Cyber securities are controlled by the computers by
their specific application system and protects from dark webs, attackers,
hackers etc.
Computers can create viruses and these programs are
very dangerous, the anti virus softwares protects our system.
The anti virus application also protects from
malware and worms programs.
Anti virus applications protect our database
because the viruses, malwares and worms stole your information and other files.
The object oriented programming language can create
a type of database that manages object based databases.
Object oriented database models can be used for
scientific databases.
Object database allows the atomic value and their
Atomic value can be defined in the object oriented
database management system model in the super computer system.
Computers can create games such as 2d and 3d types
of games.
Game development is only on the mainframe computer.
The 3d game can be created in the mainframe because
in the mainframe computer their monitors are very large in their size. The size
of the monitor is necessary to create the 3d graphics in detail and gives the
detailing of the objects in the game environments.
The size of the monitor depends on creating
graphics in 4k mode motions. It is very helpful to make clear graphics of the
game and make a good look to attract the gamers to play it.
The game developers mostly use the object oriented
management system database model.
It gives a higher quality of integrity of data for
every object in the game.
The FTP server stands for file transfer protocol is
a service that is used only on the internet and network between server and
computer system.
The FTP has their own server to operate the
transfer system.
FTP service is used to transfer the file to the
Client receives the file through the FTP server
where the client is known as a user of the computer system.
FTP allows the file extension such as
".exe", ".bmp", ".bat", ".jpeg or .jpg"
etc to be sent to the client from the FTP server.
According to Data science technology the data
mining is possible on the machine.
Data mining is a way to make a machine more
Most of the robots are developed today and they
live with human environment in a discipline manner.
After data mining the data in a machine it can process again and again when it needs to processing the data to execute program for output to the user, these data mining processed to store by the computer system.
Computers are used to analytic function to analyse the data in higher consistency of data which is also known as data science.
The analytical work of the data is quickly analyzed by using some software in a computer system.
Some machine to create for specific tasks such as data entry of a particular record who has the same attributes in a maximum quantity.
The machine learns how the human works to analyse the data and the machine feeds in their memories storage device and random access.
The machine also learns about the footprints of clients accessing the internet and their IP (Internet Protocol) address.
You can create an application for home appliances using a computer system.
You can install a small system software for home appliances to operate the peripheral devices which are integrated into circuits of home appliances.
You can control microcontroller, CPU {Central Processing Unit}, DAC {Digital to analog Converter}, ADC {Analog to Digital converter}, LCD {Liquid Crystal Display}, bluetooth device circuit module, FAN, Tube Light, etc by using to create a program for specific controller peripheral device.
In advance, a home appliance circuit board needs to install an operating system for giving and touch screen facility and controlling power by using hot spot [WIFI] and Bluetooth connection to mobile applications software.
What is the flexibility of computers in the characteristics?
There some points on the flexibility of computer in the characteristics following below here:
The computer can copy and paste at the same time when the user can copy the other and paste to the different folder on the memory space of the computer. Here the paste can two time with different locations parallel on the storage device.
The user can hear the music or watching the video with printing the document at the same time that means when the user watching the video to command on the file of video data to play through the video player and the document to print by the printer after given the command of printing the particular document on the computer system at the same time.
Computers can connect more than two computer systems through the network device and the data can share more than two computer systems while the network system is on and working and connected to each other. When the user chooses to send the file to more than two targeted computer systems that are connected to the network device, then the user can send to those computer systems to share the data or file.
In the Computer, the user communicates through the input device and output device to take data for communication purposes at same time due to the full duplex communication system. Such as video calling, voice calling, chatting etc. On the computer system where the microphone and camera are working at the same time is known as the flexibility of the computer system through the input device and similarly the output device also gives the output data to the user through the speaker and monitor at the same time during the full duplex communication system on the computer system.
How can the user say the computer is flexible?
There are some points on the flexible computer following below here:
Computers can provide two types of hardware to control it such as recording from the camera and printing the document using the printer.
The user in the computer can play the video file and audio data is also merged with the video data file and when the user plays the video file on the computer system then the video is displayed on the monitor output device and speaker provides the audio data at same time if the video data file included the audio data merged.
Similarly the user can work on the document application software and listen to the music from the speaker output device at same time.
What is the Flexibility in the service used on a computer system?
Flexibility in the service of the computer system following below here:
Flexibility of service is provided by the computer system through the operating system when the user chooses the service using the particular option then the computer responds and performs the task to complete it and give output to the user.
Flexibility of service is parallel to using the service of the computer system provided by the specific application software such as making the spreadsheet report and bill printing at the same time using the multiple services provided by the user. The application software provides two types of service such as making spreadsheet reports and printing the document which is ready to print out for getting the hardcopy of documents.
Flexibility in the services used on a computer system refers to the adaptability and versatility of software, hardware, or configurations to meet various user requirements or operational needs. There are some points on the flexibility of computer following below here:
1. Customizable Settings
Services often allow users to adjust preferences, configurations, and access levels to suit specific needs or workflows.
2. Cross-Platform Compatibility
Flexible services operate across different operating systems or devices (desktops, laptops, tablets).
3. Scalability
Services can scale up or down based on demand, allowing users to handle varying workloads efficiently.
4. Integration Capability
Flexible systems easily integrate with third-party software or tools, enabling seamless workflows and data sharing.
5. Modularity
Services are often modular, allowing users to select and use only the components they need.
6. Automation and Scripting Support
Many services support automation via APIs, scripts, or tools like PowerShell, enhancing adaptability.
7. Remote Accessibility
Flexible services often provide remote access options, enabling use from different locations or devices.
8. User Roles and Permissions
Customizable user roles and permissions cater to diverse user groups within the same system.
9. Support for Multiple Languages
Flexibility includes accommodating different programming or natural languages, broadening accessibility.
10. Adaptability to Future Needs
Systems with frequent updates and extensible features can adapt to evolving user requirements or technologies.
What is the flexibility of a computer according to the software?
There are some points on the computer system flexibility according to the software following below here:
Flexibility of software is necessary to develop the application software for the user to give a perfect software for the user.
Flexibility of software is compatible with the peripheral devices of the computer system.
Flexibility of software in the computer can store data into the storage device of the computer system.
Flexibility of computers according to the software supports the file of the software when the program is executed on the computer of the application software.
Flexibility of computers in software provides the solution to a new problem of computing and provides the output data to the user according to the hardware devices on the computer system.
Flexibility of computers in software can use the input device and output at the same time and parallel use according to the command of the user given through the input device.
Describe the customisation of the computer system?
The computer system can be customised with two way following below here:-
- Hardware computer customization
- Software systems customization
Let's discuss these two points of customization of computer system:-
Hardware computer customization:-
Hardware components can be customized such as:- the user can add the new hardware to increase the performance of the computer to process the input data to get the output values processed by the CPU.
The hardware such as:- a RAM can be able to add into the laptop computer or desktop computer to increase the speed and performance for the end user because the additional RAM chip on the slots installed into the computer increases the temporary memory for running maximum program and stores the file which is used for running program or application software or tool application of operating system.
Similarly, the end user can also increase the storage device by adding the new storage device as a permanent memory for storing more databases and it is also used for backup databases for recovery solutions if the user needs to format and remove the corrupted or infected files from the computer system.
Software systems customization:-
Software can customise through the different types of options related to its functionality provided to control the options and input instructions such as:- a game application software is used to control and customise the option key to change for perform a same function shifted to another key to perform an action depends on the game character in the game environment in the application software.
The service application software also have a customization features to allow to customise or change the keys functions from the input resources that can sends the input instructions to the application software to perform a task or operate the application software such as:- ctrl + o generally used for in the application software to perform a task of open a file and the user want to customise the keys configuration into the ctrl+f to open a file depends on the user remembered keys and use the application suitable for using on the computer system as a customized form of application software.
In the document application software performs a function of copy the data into the particular page position copy to another position the copied text data in the file using the “ctrl + x” to “ctrl + c” can be changed through the customisation features of the application software.
The customer feedback of the computer system when the user uses new computer
Feedback takes the operating system feedback to use the computer system daily.
The user connects the internet service then the feedback service option is automatically ready to ask some queries to determine the feedback the computer system and the operating system compatibility of using the options and processing the operating system provides the service on the computer for the end user.
The feedback used to collect the details and information which the user takes some queries answers depends on the optional marked queries provided in the user interface of the feedback interface.
The feedback collects the information from the end user to develop new options and services for the end user on the operating system compatible with the computer system with the same version or upcoming new version of the computer system.
The feedback provides the information when the user is satisfied with the operating system depending on the good or bad given feedback as comparison of queries analysis to get the final result of the feedback describes whether the user interface of the operating system is good for the end user or not.
The feedback also decides the future keys available that to develop new options on the operating system is necessary or not to provide a service on the computer system.
Which device is used to make a process of graphics files?
- A) CPU
- B) GPU
- C) RAM
- D) Cache memory
Answer is B) "GPU".
The GPU is a chip device that needs to be installed inside the desktop computer CPU cabinet PCI or PCI Express which is used to support different types of requirements according to the model of the GPU chip on the computer system.
The GPU is used to process only the graphics files which reduces the loads of cpu processing the graphics files on the computer system.
The GPU is also to make the computer system faster due to reducing the loads of processing from the CPU on the computer system and also it is used for gaming to process the graphics files of the game application.
Let's takeaways some points on the summary following below here:-
Computers have a fast speed of calculation of arithmetic and logical processing.
Computers have fast speed to store the data into permanent memory quickly and temporary memory is used quickly.
Computers have to store data to use for the future for the end user.
Computers have taken different types of instructions for execution of tasks through the CPU.
Computers have the power of a logical unit to control and manage the internal peripheral and external peripheral used on the computer system.
Computers have an ability to make network models for communication systems and can communicate through network data cable or wireless connection.
Computer gives an output at a 100% accuracy depending on the program used on the computer system.
I hope you learn from this topic of characteristics of computer happy learning 😊 ️ from computer achievers.
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