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Showing posts from February, 2023

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Discuss the data replication on the distributed database system?

Discuss the data replication on the distributed database system? The data replica is a term that refers to the data replication means the copy of data into the servers distributed to access the copy of data. The data replication in a distributed database system is a term that provides the benefits for the user to easily access the data from the nearby server provided for the client user from the website. The data can be easily accessible from the server and provide the fast speed with reduces the latency of the data transfer to the client server such as:- if the user access the data from their smartphone device then the data will be fast to load because the nearby server provide the data replicated or copied of data to the user. Data replication in a distributed database system involves creating and maintaining multiple copies of data across different nodes or locations to enhance availability, reliability, and performance. It ensures that users can access data even if a node fails, re...

What is the importance of determining the requirements of application software?

What is the importance of determining the requirements of application software? The determining the requirements of the application software and its following below in the points mentioned with the explanation of the points of determining of the requirement of application software in the particular department, on the computer system for the every employees or specific employee to solve the problem of the user and make easy to use the service on the computer system on the electronic device which implement the application software. The determination of requirement in application mostly included the input system, process system and output system. These are basic systems to include in the application software development and the hardware where the application software has to be installed into the space of memory of the hardware of electronic devices. The user requirement is a need on the computer system to solve the problem of the user permanently on the particular task of the work that on...

What is software specialization?

What is software specialization? Software specialisation is a term of making the application software unique from the other application software on the computer system or mobile devices. The specialisation is to make a software unique and implement some features that make software unique to provide a service which is not available on the other application software for the user also not available on the operating system application services. The specialisation provided by the developers on the application software the options are unique from the other options with new features for the user to use the service on the application software. The specialisation in application software also applies in the data model to specialise the data from their attributes which does not match to the other data which have some general attribute. The specialisation works with the data processing behind system design of the application software to provide the unique data during the retrieval of the database ...

What is an object oriented relational database management system with the examples of object database and relational database?

What is an object oriented relational database management system with the examples of object database and relational database? Object oriented relational database management system refers to the object relational database management system is a software that provides a database of the combination of relational database management system and object database management system to the application software. The object relational database is complex data processing system to make an application software which uses the data processing with object based relational database management system to process when the user want to insert the object type of files such as video data or audio data or image data can inserted into the Object Relational Database model to store and make a combination of relational and object. In the object relational database management system contains the ORM to develop the database from one type of database model to another such as if the object oriented database model has...

What are the advantages of ORM?

What are the advantages of ORM? In this topic the ORM provides what type of profit to the user to develop the database model and other types profits related points are available in the below given here with the explanation of the ORM advantages in the database technology for development of the application software and operating system and role of advantages of ORM in the database technology. ORM is a mapping technique that maps the object attributes and objects to store in the records with related attributes of the object in the layout of the relational database model according to the sequence of the primary attributes and saves into the top to bottom from a sort system of increasing order from top to bottom. The ORM creates object oriented database models from the relational database model using the mapping method to convert the data of records into the object and connect their attributes in the objects attributes. The ORM is based on the ORDBMS to convert the relational database to o...

What are the limitations of databases?

What are the limitations of databases? The database can find the data from the query language of the database that applied on the data to create, manipulate, control the data on the database file. The database is used process for specific task for the application software to provide the program of query language to process the data for the user to give output data after processing the input data from the input device of the computer system and application software takes input data for processing with different types of data such as text, numerical, special characters etc is used stores in the cell of the database. In the database file the data is created using the query language program that apply on the data, to manipulate the data such as update, change, insert data into the cell of the database and control the data for protection of the account user database to create a layer of protection of the database using the security data for verification of the database to granted the permis...