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Discuss the data replication on the distributed database system?

Discuss the data replication on the distributed database system? The data replica is a term that refers to the data replication means the copy of data into the servers distributed to access the copy of data. The data replication in a distributed database system is a term that provides the benefits for the user to easily access the data from the nearby server provided for the client user from the website. The data can be easily accessible from the server and provide the fast speed with reduces the latency of the data transfer to the client server such as:- if the user access the data from their smartphone device then the data will be fast to load because the nearby server provide the data replicated or copied of data to the user. Data replication in a distributed database system involves creating and maintaining multiple copies of data across different nodes or locations to enhance availability, reliability, and performance. It ensures that users can access data even if a node fails, re...

file system approach drawbacks or disadvantages of file system approach and traditional file system approach or file based system

What are the drawbacks or disadvantages of the File processing approach/ file based system approach/ traditional file processing approach? Drawbacks of the file processing system approach When the file processing uses in the application software it gives extra or redundant data during execute the program. File based system stores extra data in the file system. It wastes the space of the storage disk when execute the output result. It does not support the many views for their same data in the file system data. One file approach uses for only one particular application software to uses and execute the data from the file approach. It cannot be integrated for multiple application software.

file system approach definition or traditional file system approach or file based system approach

What is file processing system/traditional file system approach or file system approach? File based system definition File system approach is a type of database that uses in a processing for database which is stored in the file based on file database. This is a system that stores permanent data as record and their attributes in the various type of file. The application software needs to implement the data from the file which is appropriate to the application. The application takes insert the data through the file system. It operates on the command line interface operating system. It is uses also in a data structure for any application development.

What are the components of data model in [DBMS] Relational Database Management System?

What are the components of data model in [DBMS] Relational Database Management System? There are five main components of data model in RDBMS Fields Fields are the attributed of the records. It is also called tuple of the attributes and properties or features. Fields shows the characteristics of the object such as name, age, gender, address etc. It contains also primary attribute or auto number id. Records Records are tuple or rows in the database. It shows all the data of the object inserted in the rows. It is also collection of the attributes, properties or fields. Files Files are the collections of the records. It shows the related records in the file data. It is also collections and combinations of the tuples and attributes. Databases The database is the collection of related files. It is also a group of files which is making relation to each other. Key field Key fields also called key attribute in the database of relation. There are some key at...

Which characteristic of the record is too important and necessary to apply in the [RDBMS] Relational Database Management System?

Which characteristic of the record is too important and necessary to apply in the [RDBMS] Relational Database Management System? Main characteristic of the record in the Relational Database In the Record of the Relation database there are so many characteristics or properties and attribute to shows uniqueness of the record but there is one attribute that identify the record is unique to shows there uniqueness. There are some points to follow below to understand the type of attribute and it work. The unique attribute of the record in the relational database is called primary key. It is also called key attribute in the database property. The primary key attribute take numerical data in their field. It also called auto number in the table database. It automatically counts the serial numbers and inserts in the field of the record. Serial key attribute is the best way to find the record easily in the RDBMS. The primary key is also important role in the Relational database because when...

Discuss the faster query processing method in the Distributed Database Management System model?

Discuss the faster query processing method in the Distributed Database Management System model? Faster query processing method in distributed database model In the distributed database model you can apply so many queries to make faster data processing. In this model queries can be divided into sub-queries. The sub queries can execute the program of the database application in the parallel way. The sub queries can be executed the data in the database in the parallel by several sites interfaces. Thus the distributed database model can faster database processing and execute the database applications. Some parallel processing of the database allows making faster data processing. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My latest post is here links below about the databases technology What are the components of data model in [DBMS] Relational Database Management System? There are five main components of...

What is stability of the distributed database management system?

What is stability of the distributed database management system? Stability of the distributed database management system model In the distributed database model there are so many computer systems are working for their organization. If one computer system will damage then there is a little bit loss on the site. The distributed database is very reliable for their stability to operate the database processing. The distributed database gives availability of the database continuously uses experience. There is need to shut down all the databases through the parallel connection of the computer systems to operate the database and their application for processing the data. Typical connection of the distributed database model This image shows the typical connection of the distributed database model. You can continuously work on this distributed database model as user requirement. You can retrieve the database as the distributed to the computer system. The retrieved database from the computer ...

What do you understand by the control on the Distributed Database Management System?

What do you understand by the control on the Distributed Database Management System? Control on the Distributed Database Management System It is another advantage of the Distributed Database Management System. It is distributed type of database which is control system and their owner of computer system. The local admin control the database which is divided between so many local administrators. Some administrators are control order of database which is send by the customers through the site interfaces. Some administrators are controls the database of the order processing in their computer system. Some administrators are controls the database of account holder data or information to process the money transection which is paid by the customer through the site interface of the account section for the customer. Some administrators are controls the database of sales department to process the order to the customer which the chosen earlier time through the interface of the product site. ...

What are the advantages of the distributed database management system database model or data model?

What are the advantages of the distributed database management system database model or data model? Advantages of the distributed DBMS data model or database model In the distributed data model the data can share in the computers. One data can share one computer to another computer. The shared data between the computers you can manipulate the data for data processing work. If the attackers attacks one computer system and the system will damaged then your shareable data can help to recover the system also you can use the data for working purpose. Distributed data transfers to the computer using cryptography method if the computer systems are connect with wireless technology. The cryptography methods are more secured to exchange the data among computers because the art of this language is program with special characters. Some important data you can divide into parts which you have to store and share in the different databases, this method safest to the database security. ------------...

What are the disadvantages or drawbacks in the Distributed Database Management System?

What are the disadvantages or drawbacks in the Distributed Database Management System? Drawbacks or disadvantages of the Distributed Database Management System The distributed database is very costly to manage the data or information from different servers which is connected the database of the sites. It is difficult to develop the database application for software packages. If there are four sites of database application involve in a software packages to their development, one database application of site will damage from any issue then the database will be lose. In the distributed database there are so many bugs when processing the database for database applications. In the algorithm of database processing have so many error for executing the database program. If the user does not share the distributed database to the other connected server then the will be lost once the currently used server damage by physically harmed from other events. The distributed database takes a loads to...

What are the hierarchical characters in the data model of the hierarchical database management system [Hierarchical DBMS]?

What are the hierarchical characters in the data model of the hierarchical database management system [Hierarchical DBMS]? Hierarchical characters in data model of hierarchical DBMS The hierarchical characters are these characters which are inherited characters or word. It follows the rule of inheritance property. It makes a relation from parent to child. These characters also have their properties or attribute which is connected to the parent entity in data model of the hierarchical DBMS. Hierarchical characters have some characteristics of the parent and child word presented in the entity both parent and child entity. Hierarchical characters are the words that come from real world object and make real world entity in the database model hierarchical. Without hierarchical characters you cannot be create the hierarchical database model. If the hierarchical character of parent entity can be creates their child entity characters then it is possible to create the hierarchical database ...

What is the role of the data model in database management system [DBMS]?

What is the role of the data model in database management system [DBMS]? Role of the data model in DBMS Data model is structure in a graphical form to represent the database look like in their structure. Data model represents the organization structure in a graphical form where the database has so many relationships of the entity. Entity is a group of data, where the data is in a relation to another data. Entity is also called group of information, where the information is meaningful sentence in a description or character type data. The component of entity such as name, gender, address etc. are called attributes of the entity. You can connect the entity to entity with their properties if the properties of both entities are matched to each other. The image reference shows you the sales manager is connected to the sales employee with their property of the Sales Department. There are three entities in the structure or model of the database are Sales Manager and Sale employee are their...

What are the disadvantages or drawbacks of the Object oriented database management system [OODBMS]?

What are the disadvantages or drawbacks of the Object oriented database management system [OODBMS]? Drawbacks or disadvantages of the object oriented database management system OODBMS is hard to create in their structure. In this database without inheritance characters you will not able to create the object oriented database. It is very heavy database. It used only for very complex project. It is also used for major application project not minor application development. Generally the object oriented databases are required for system software development. Let's discuss these points listed above about the object oriented database management system with drawbacks or disadvantages following below here: OODBMS is hard to create in their structure:- OODBMS is a complex database which includes the object which is a real life based object that can be designed or created with their attributes and is very complex to develop. The object can be defined through the class and described with ...

What are the advantages of the object oriented database management system [OODBMS]?

What are the advantages of the object oriented database management system [OODBMS]? Advantages of the Object oriented database The object oriented database allows nested loop structure. It is used in computer aided design. It is also used in computer aided engineering. It is most powerful database which is used in aerospace science and technology. The object oriented database uses in data science and machine learning technology fields. In this database there are so many data type uses rather than RDBMS. The data type uses in OODBMS are integer, char, text, etc. The OODBMS allows arbitrary data type. The OODBMS sub-classes with inheritance functions. What do you mean by nested loop in oodbms? The nested loop is a technique that is applied on the object database model to find the relationship of the objects in the database models. It is used to retrieve the data or information from the complex object or relationship from the database models. In Object-Oriented Database Management Sys...

What are the disadvantages or drawbacks of the Relational Database Management and System?

What are the disadvantages or drawbacks of the Relational Database Management and System? Disadvantages or drawbacks of the Relational Database Management and System If the key attributes of the relational database are fewer quantity, so there is big disadvantage of the relational database to find single or a particular record. Without any primary key attribute in the relational database it is very to find out the unique record from the table or relational database. Without any primary key attribute the record you cannot be update. You cannot be inserting the data without key attribute. You cannot be deleting the data without using key attribute. It is not possible manipulate the record without any key attribute or their record’s attribute. Without user identity and password of the relational database you cannot access the database application. If you applying granted permission on the primary database in the database application first you have to revoke the permission which has gr...

What are the advantages of Relational database management system [RDBMS]?

What are the advantages of Relational database management system [RDBMS]? Advantages of the Relational Database Management and System Relational database can be used with one computer or more system. In this database you can find the record easily with their unique identity. Relational database can be related to other relational database with their property or attribute from the record. The relational database is easy to use for application development. The relational database enables to use the computer for search, insert, delete and update etc. The relational database can holds all the attributes of the record. This database can controlled by the query language called structured query language [SQL]. In this database the optimization of the record is very fast and easy to search that enable by the SQL programing. It is useful for represents the real life record and attributes easily. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...

What are the drawbacks or disadvantages of the network database management system model?

What are the drawbacks or disadvantages of the network database management system model? Drawbacks or disadvantages of the network database model The network database model is very complex in their structure. It is difficult to understand where the entity is connected to the other entity. When creating this model the connection line of the entities are high amount which is draw too difficult in the pictorial representation. It creates so many confusion of an entity about their multiple parent connection in the structure because of their property of 1to many and many to many connections. It inserts data according to pointer only. It updates data according to pointer only. It deletes data according to pointer only. The whole data are very complex to understand if you delete any parent entity which has many parents entity has connected will lose to accessing the data in the relations. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...