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Discuss the data replication on the distributed database system?

Discuss the data replication on the distributed database system? The data replica is a term that refers to the data replication means the copy of data into the servers distributed to access the copy of data. The data replication in a distributed database system is a term that provides the benefits for the user to easily access the data from the nearby server provided for the client user from the website. The data can be easily accessible from the server and provide the fast speed with reduces the latency of the data transfer to the client server such as:- if the user access the data from their smartphone device then the data will be fast to load because the nearby server provide the data replicated or copied of data to the user. Data replication in a distributed database system involves creating and maintaining multiple copies of data across different nodes or locations to enhance availability, reliability, and performance. It ensures that users can access data even if a node fails, re...

Discuss the role of network databases in the computer?

Discuss the role of network databases in the computer? The network database model is a flexible model that can be easily accessed by any memory device which has stored the database of the user or official database on the memory in the network model. The memory devices are connected into the network model that can easily access by the user all types of storage device which is in the connection of the network model. Such as a network device, auxiliary storage device, computer system, smart mobile device as a client user etc. The website is a big example of a network database which is used in the flexibility of sharing the data into the model of a network database. Such as if the user want to connect and make relation between two types of relational database model through the key attributes which is used to define the unique record connected to the other relational database which has stored in the other memory device in the network model can be connected to the storage device easily and m...

Secure mobile network?

Secure mobile network? Secured mobile networking system is used to protect the user from the other users accessing the network of the personal connection between two types of devices from the mobile device and computer system are the most used networking system at home to connect the wifi device to the computer system from the mobile device hotspot option to connect to the wifi of the computer if it is available on the computer system otherwise the user can install the wifi card on the cpu cabinet of the computer system. In the laptop computer, the wifi is available to connect the wifi of the other device which provides the network sharing or data sharing through the wifi and bluetooth also.  Introduction to the computer system and network system related topics are listed following below here: Secure mobile network? Let’s discuss the computer system and network system topic and questions above listed and their answers are following below here: In this topic you can learn about the ...

What are the 3 types of web design?

What are the 3 types of web design? The design of the website is used to provide an interaction between client user and admin user and hardware that working for the site and installed in the memory space of the permanent memory storage device of the computer system or connected to the server network device to provide the interface of website to accessed by the client user or new visitor, returning visitors, admin users and creators in social media platforms etc. According to the types of sites and the purpose of user requirements from the sites. The website design contains the services tabs and pages every tab provides the different types of services available to the client user or customer of the site who has visited through their unique location and device model. Introduction to the computer system and website related topics are listed following below here: What are the 3 types of web design? Let’s discuss the computer system and website topic and questions above listed and their ans...

What is the permanent memory of a computer? Explain the role of permanent for the operating system?

What is the permanent memory of a computer? Explain the role of permanent for the operating system? The permanent memory is turned on from the BIOS that means the BIOS is a setup of basic Input Output System work through the motherboard without any operating system or additional memory feature. It is only stored on the motherboard chip which is known as a rom to store the BIOS permanently. The permanent memory is accessed by the operating system and the operating system is installed into the space of permanent memory which is able to detach from the cpu cabinet from the slot on the motherboard. The operating system is used to access the memory address and define the disk partition on the available space to the operating system from the storage device which is permanent memory of the computer system. The permanent memory is to be used to store the user database such as personal database and official database. Introduction to the computer system and computer applications related topics a...

What is the importance of the network operating system?

What is the importance of the network operating system? The importance of the network operating system that means the network operating system is used to provide the system to control the Hardware resources of the network model that are used for communication systems and sharing data such as network devices and computer systems. The network operating system is not additionally developed, it is just a version of the computer operating system available on the computer system. The user can operate the available network operating system and connect the network devices to the computer system. The importance of a network operating system is that it connects the network device and allows sharing the data and computer system memory access which stored the database in the space available on the permanent memory or additionally connected the auxiliary storage device can be accessed by the network operating system. Introduction to the computer system related topic and the topic is following below...

What are the 5 importance of multimedia?

What are the 5 importance of multimedia? The 5 importance of multimedia, which means the multimedia provides the information and increases the communication system also with four types of data such as text data, image data, audio data and video data depends on the requirements in the multimedia data sharing in the communication system. The text data is used to read on the screen of the Monitor output device, image  is also watched in the monitor output device and audio data is provided by the speaker output device and video data is displayed by the monitor and projector. Where the projector is also displays text, image, video and animation. The multimedia data is stored in the storage device such as CD, dvd, hvd, flash drive etc. Introduction to the computer system related topic and the topic is following below here: What are the 5 importance of multimedia? Let's discuss the computer system related topic is mentioned above and the explained following below here: What are the 5 impo...