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Showing posts from June, 2022

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Discuss the data replication on the distributed database system?

Discuss the data replication on the distributed database system? The data replica is a term that refers to the data replication means the copy of data into the servers distributed to access the copy of data. The data replication in a distributed database system is a term that provides the benefits for the user to easily access the data from the nearby server provided for the client user from the website. The data can be easily accessible from the server and provide the fast speed with reduces the latency of the data transfer to the client server such as:- if the user access the data from their smartphone device then the data will be fast to load because the nearby server provide the data replicated or copied of data to the user. Data replication in a distributed database system involves creating and maintaining multiple copies of data across different nodes or locations to enhance availability, reliability, and performance. It ensures that users can access data even if a node fails, re...

What is the difference between a computer network and a distributed system?

Introduction to the topic of computer related and the topic is related to the computer network following below here: What is the difference between a computer network and a distributed system? Let's discuss the topic related to computer networks and the topic is "What is the difference between a computer network and a distributed system?" following below here: What is the difference between a computer network and a distributed system? There are some points on the computer system related topic of "What is the difference between a computer network and a distributed system?" following below here: The image shows the diagram of the a computer network and a distributed system and their points in differences mentioned in the diagram and explained below the image. The computer network uses the network device to share information from one computer to another and distributed database needs to computer network to share  The computer network system provides communication s...

What is a system crash on a computer?

Introduction to the topic of computer related and the topic is related to the computer operating system and system technology is following below here: What is a system crash on a computer? Let's discuss the topic related to computer operating system and system technology and the topic is "What is a system crash on a computer?" explanation following below here: What is a system crash on a computer? There are some points on the computer system related topic of “What is a system crash on a computer?” following below here: The diagram shows the points of system crash mentioned in the image and explanation below the image. System crash is a miss behave of an application software that cause of hanging the computer system System crash makes storage device effects as scratches on disk or effects on memory address  System crash is bugging problem on the computer after executing the software  System crash is a problem of stop function on the computer system of an operating system a...

What is the advantage of computer networks and communication?

Introduction to the topic of computer related and the topic is related to the computer network system and communication related topic is following below here: What is the advantage of computer networks and communication? Let's discuss the topic related to the computer network system and the topic is "What is the advantage of computer networks and communication?" explanation following below here: What is the advantage of computer networks and communication? There are some points on the computer system and network related topic of "What is the advantage of computer networks and communication?" following below here: In the image shows the points of advantages of computer network and communication system and explanation below the image. The computer network and communication provides to the user to make connection of sharing information and data The computer network and communication is a term of making communication between user through the device of computer syste...

What is the network security key for hotspots and WiFi on the network device?

Introduction to the computer networking related topics are listed following below here: What is the network security key for hotspots and WiFi on the network device? Let’s discuss the computer networking topic and questions above listed and their answers are following below here:   What is the network security key for hotspots and WiFi on the network device? There are some points on the computer system related topic of "What is the network security key for hotspots and WiFi on the network device?" following below here: The diagram shows the network security key and their points are mentioned in the figure and explained below the figure. The network security key of wifi and hotspot is a password for protection the mobile devices from other user access The doesn't show the password from nearby person who want access the wifi and hotspot connection as the personal mobile If the unknown user access the mobile wifi connection can be access the database of the mobile memory sto...

What is the functionality of the recovery manager in DBMS ?

Introduction to the related topic of computer DBMS following below here: What is the functionality of the recovery manager in DBMS ? Let's discuss this topic is related to the computer DBMS following below here: What is the functionality of the recovery manager in DBMS ? There are some points on the computer system and database related topic of "What is the functionality of the recovery manager in DBMS?" following below here: The functionality of the recovery manager in DBMS points are mentioned in figure and explained below the figure, such as manages data and info, work also on network fb, to make a backup db etc. The database recovery manager is a term on the application software of database management system and recovery section Recovery manager manages the data and information of files that contains valuable data for user Recovery manager also works on the DBMS connected with network system Recovery manager work on the additional storage to make a backup for saving t...

How many fields are available in the Design view of DBMS?

Introduction to the computer DBMS related topics are listed following below here: How many fields are available in the Design view of DBMS? Let’s discuss the computer DBMS topic and questions above listed and their answers are following below here: How many fields are available in the Design view of DBMS? There are some points on the computer system related topic of "How many fields are available in the Design view of DBMS?" following below here: In this image shows the model of entity relationship and the entity is 'design view' of the DBMS and their connected attributes are so many attributes to add, contain option to add attributes, making records with so many fields and fields expressed properties of objects and subject showing in the figure. The design view is a section of the any type of DBMS software that contains option to add the attributes for the particular record There are so many attributes to add on the record contains the database The DBMS software prov...

How to work the network security key on the network device?

Introduction to the computer network system related topics are listed following below here: How to work the network security key on the network device? Let’s discuss the computer network system topic and questions above listed and their answers are following below here: How to work the network security key on the network device? There are some points on the computer system related topic of "How to work the network security key on the network device?" following below here: In the image shows the diagram and the entity 'Network security key' is connected to the four types of attributes such as types of layer to allow acces, is protection of network device, reduces traffic and block the other user and make a private connection, varifies from network device memory. These are the types of network security key attributes showing in the diagram. Network security key is a type of layer that allow the user to access after verification  Network security key is a protection of t...

Why is it necessary to apply the network security key on the network device?

Introduction to the computer network system related topics are listed following below here: Why is it necessary to apply the network security key on the network device? Let’s discuss the cyber crime and computer network system topic and questions above listed and their answers are following below here: Why is it necessary to apply the network security key on the network device? There are some points on the computer system related topic of "Why is it necessary to apply the network security key on the network device?" following below here: In this image shows the diagram of the network security key with their attributes are to protect computer network system, make a private use of internet, secure data and information transmission from other users and sharing the data and information personally because it is protected from the security code. Yes, it is necessary to apply the network security key on the network device to protect computer network system Yes, it is needs to be app...