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Discuss the data replication on the distributed database system?

Discuss the data replication on the distributed database system? The data replica is a term that refers to the data replication means the copy of data into the servers distributed to access the copy of data. The data replication in a distributed database system is a term that provides the benefits for the user to easily access the data from the nearby server provided for the client user from the website. The data can be easily accessible from the server and provide the fast speed with reduces the latency of the data transfer to the client server such as:- if the user access the data from their smartphone device then the data will be fast to load because the nearby server provide the data replicated or copied of data to the user. Data replication in a distributed database system involves creating and maintaining multiple copies of data across different nodes or locations to enhance availability, reliability, and performance. It ensures that users can access data even if a node fails, re...

discuss the difference between hierarchical and relational database model?

Let us discuss the difference between hierarchical model and relational database model? Hierarchical model Hierarchical model is tree like structure. In the structure where the parent is only one parent in all over structure organization of any object. The parent who has no parent in the structure is also known as grandparent. In the structure the child quantity is two or more than two in numbering. The base of the hierarchical model is inheritance of the hierarchical character which means the hierarchical character relates as inherit their properties in the form of one to many relation. The hierarchical structure shows the connection using connection line in the model. Image reference of the hierarchical model of the basic components in their structure model In the given model there are three layers of the hierarchical model shows in the image. From the top to bottom direction first layer is the “grand parent”, second is “parent family” and third one is “children family”. In the...

what do you understand by the key attribute in the relational model?

What do you mean by key attributes in the relational model? Key attributes in the relational database The key attributes are the properties to separate the record in a unique or consistency form in the database of relational model. When we applying the keys attributes on the relation the keys identify the records which has a specific value. The key attributes are uses to find the characteristics of the records in the database. As comparison to find the records by manually that is too slow to find the records. The key attributes allows the consistency of the records when we apply on the database. There are some types of key attributes in the database management system in the relational database. Such as primary key, composite key, super key, candidate key, foreign key and secondary key are uses in the relational model. All of the key attributes are uses to uniquely identify the record in the relation. All names of key attributes are related to their work. Points to b...

what do you understand by the data manipulation in the relational model?

What is the data manipulation in the relational database? Data manipulation in the relational model Manipulation is the process that the queries perform on the data items in the relational model to rearrange the data items in the tabular form. Mainly it is performed by the queries when you apply on the database. In the Manipulation you can update the data items to be correct the data value of the records. You can delete the data item which is not very the right value of the record. You can insert the data items in the records to add the additional attributes of the tuples. Manipulation is good for the database management system to make a consistency of the data items in the records. Why data manipulation is useful for relational model? The manipulation is to change the data for right value. It gives you consistency of the data items when you can separate the same data item in other relational model. It is useful for clear extra data for finding the right data easily i...

What do you mean by data integrity in the relational model of database?

What is the data integrity of the relation model? The data integrity in the relation model data items has consistency in their values. The data integrity allows the purity of the data items in the criteria. Integrity of data in the relational model data enter by many users and the data checking by the certain specified rules of the integrity of data. Some queries perform the data entering as insertion, selection and updating on the data items in the database which causes the data integrity is maintained by these queries. The data integrity checks according to their general rule of integrity of data at the entry level of data itself. For example of integrity of data in relational model When you are enter the data item in the relational database such as “student class” over the student of whole school. All the students are take consistency of the data as student name by the performing a query or by the rules of integrity of data. In the above image the data integrity are pe...

Discuss the procedure to create a form to save the data into the database?

Explain the procedure to create a form that be saved in a database It is very basic and typically procedure of creating a form and their components such as text boxes and buttons to store the data into the database. It is simple procedure to show the how to create a form their programing interface, backend for data processing and store the data into database server. Create a form Form is the interface of the user. It is the main interface for user to impact good or bad impression of the application, website and system software. How to create a basic form to save to data into the database? First you create a blank form in the environment of typical application building software. Use their tools such as text box and button. Place the text boxes and the buttons to the right in the form area. Go to coding interface of the form unless design view interface in the software you are using Apply the header files or packages into the programing interface. Apply and declare vari...

Let us discuss about categorization of object in database management system?

What do you understand by the categorization in DBMS? What do you mean by categorization of object in DBMS? Object has so many properties and entity relationship model can express their properties. Object has properties to categorize by declaring the classes in the database. Sub-classes are also categorizing the object characteristics in the database model. Categorization of object is reduces the value of number in counting. It can be benefit to the grouping of the object such as gender of same person, city of employees and street of the student in a same class etc. The categorizations of the objects are very useful for easily to find the unique object if the unique identify have not yet at a time of the object attributes. In the categorization the sub-class is known as weak attribute under the strong attribute in the database model such as you can say ‘state’ is a weak attribute but the strong attribute is their ‘complete address’ of the person object lives in the state....

What do you mean by the aggregation in database management system model?

What do you understand by the aggregation in Database Management System Model? Aggregation in DBMS The aggregation is a process to compile the information. This is a process of compiling to perform on the object of the database. This process impacts the object and abstracts the high level from general form of the object categories. The aggregation cannot illustrate the relationships in the relationships connections. The aggregation is grouping of the object the makes a higher level. You need to express the relationship within to construct a relation of a class which is the base of the two or more entity and object in database model. Aggregation is the process to compile information The process of the aggregation is to use to compile information of the object that means the objects have their characteristics and these characteristics are separated by the aggregation process from the general form of the object in the model. There are some types characteristics are name, age, work...

What do you mean by the specialization in the DBMS?

What is meant by the specialization in the DBMS model? Specialization in the DBMS model Specialization is the process to show the “entity set” have their “set of characteristics” which known as “sub classes” of the “type of entity” where the ‘type entity’ is called “super class” in the model of the “specialization” of “super-classes”. Points to be remember in the specialization in the DBMS In the specialization super class is a type of entity. The characteristics of the entity are sub classes. Set of sub classes of the entity of the superclass is a specialized model in the database model. The set of the sub classes are also called special classes of the type entity which is super class in the specialization. It is very different from or opposite from the generalization of the model. Where the generalization is to show the similarities and the specialization is to show the differences of the entity sets in a both type of entity sets such as higher level entity sets and lower lev...

what do you understand by the generalization in DBMS?

What is generalization in Database management system technology? About the Generalization basic points The generalization is term in a database model works in lower level entities sets. It gives the similarities of the lower level entities sets and among their sets. It hides or do not shows the differences of the lower level entity sets. It allows or gives permission to represents the economy system. It emphasize the shared attributes are not repeated in the lower level entity sets. Sometime lower level entity produces higher level entity sets in terms of taking union of several in the generalization in DBMS. Typical model of the Generalization in the school based model In the generalization model of school, the school is the entity but in a higher level entity which is called super class. Student is the main object of the school which is a common entity. The triangle component is a generalization component or tool to represent the similarities of the higher and lower level e...

What are the difference between hard disk drive and Solid state drive? Hard disk verses SSD

What are the difference between HDD and SSD? HDD HDD stands for Hard Disk Drive or Hard Disk Device Storage [HDDs]. Hard disk is storage device for a permanent data as long as you can use it. Hard disk is a device that containing a disk in the case of the hard disk device. Hard disk has an IDE connecter with USB cable to store the data through the cable. It will damage when it takes some scratches on the disk during directly power off the whole system. It will impact the hard disk and very harmful to the device. In today market the HDD is affordable to every person who needs affordable system. It is slower than SDD if it has scratch on the disk and sometime it will corrupt. SSD SSD stands for Solid State Drive or Solid State Device storage [SSDs]. Solid state drive is also a storage device for permanent uses of the database maintenance for more long term than hard disk. It is a highly protected device case over the static memory blocks which are in the form of solid...

what do you mean by attribute inheritance in DBMS

What is an attribute inheritance in DBMS? The attribute inheritance is a high level entity. The attribute inheritance is also known as low level entity. There are two types of level is a properties of the attribute inheritance. It can be create by the generalization. It can also be create by the specialization. You can relate the high level properties to low level entity properties. You can also say the properties of the entity in high level such as name, city and state can be relate to the low level entity of name, city and state. In the attribute where the higher level entity is known as superclass entity and lower level entity known as subclass entity. In the image shows the account entity employee have a degree of master in business administration, account employee can be deserve to post on the manager with their experience but here the attribute inheritance is an MBA degree for manager post. Image shows the entity relationship model and it contains the attributes inheritance of ...