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Showing posts from November, 2021

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Discuss the data replication on the distributed database system?

Discuss the data replication on the distributed database system? The data replica is a term that refers to the data replication means the copy of data into the servers distributed to access the copy of data. The data replication in a distributed database system is a term that provides the benefits for the user to easily access the data from the nearby server provided for the client user from the website. The data can be easily accessible from the server and provide the fast speed with reduces the latency of the data transfer to the client server such as:- if the user access the data from their smartphone device then the data will be fast to load because the nearby server provide the data replicated or copied of data to the user. Data replication in a distributed database system involves creating and maintaining multiple copies of data across different nodes or locations to enhance availability, reliability, and performance. It ensures that users can access data even if a node fails, re...

How many types of output data computer systems can give you from the different types of hardware resources?

Introduction to the peripheral hardware devices and IT tools related topics are listed following below here: How many types of output data computer systems can give you from the different types of hardware resources? Let’s discuss the peripheral hardware devices and IT tools related topic and questions above listed and their answers are following below here: How many types of output data computer systems can give you from the different types of hardware resources? The computer system can give to the end user the output from different types of hardware resources to get their personal uses from the system. There are some four type of output data computer systems can give you from the different types of hardware resources following listed below here: Hardcopy  Sound data  Display data Static display data What do you mean by hardcopy in the reference of a computer system? Hardcopy The hardcopy is an output of the physical form of the document which the user had created in the com...

What are the uses of cloud based computer network models?

Introduction to the internet and internet related topics are listed following below here: What are the uses of cloud based computer network models? Let’s discuss the internet related topic and questions above listed and their answers are following below here: What are the uses of cloud based computer network models? There are some  uses of cloud based computer network models following below here: The cloud is database that provides the model webspace to the website to store information The cloud based model is used to purchase the web space for the website The cloud based model is used for sales with some space memory from databases such as 2 gb to 10gb @ $20 to $59 approx.  Some applications use the cloud based back end backup file for application Most of the business applications uses both cloud based model and client server model for their benefits to save the data and information Let's, discuss these points above listed related to the uses of cloud based computer networkin...

What are the uses of the client server computer network model?

Introduction to the internet and internet related topics are listed following below here: What are the uses of the client server computer network model? Let’s discuss the internet related topic and questions above listed and their answers are following below here: What are the uses of the client server computer network model? There are some uses of the client server computer network model following below here: You have your own hardware resources to operate the computer network. You can allow access to other users with your permission according to the security of the computer network. Others cannot access your computer network. The client can access the client scripting interface that you have created for the client. You can operate your business easily with a client interface for the user. Let’s discuss these points of client server model uses in the computer network are following below here: You have your own hardware resources to operate the computer network. You have your own hardw...

What are the two different types of computer network models?

Introduction to the internet and internet related topics are listed following below here: What are the two different types of computer network models? Let’s discuss the internet related topic and questions above listed and their answers are following below here: What are the two different types of computer network models? There are two different types of computer network models following listed below here: Client server computer network model  Cloud based computer network model Client server computer network model  What is the client server computer network model? The client server computer network model The client server model is computer network model that is used to communicate the networking device with computer systems and it is used to connect the user to the admin user, where the user is known as client user and the client user is the end user of web application that use your product, functionality of web application, calculative result, desire output from the web appli...

What are disadvantages of a computer network model?

Introduction to the internet and internet related topics are listed following below here: What are disadvantages of a computer network model? Let’s discuss the internet related topic and questions above listed and their answers are following below here: What are disadvantages of a computer network model? There are some disadvantages of a computer network model following below here: Computer network model have some disadvantages such as according to these points listed below: In the 2D Dimensional diagram of computer network problem Connection problem does not shows in the computer network model Right hardware for perfect networking model in computer network model Warranty period of device in the networking model of computer network If the computer network model have too complex in design where in the diagram or physically if repairing too difficult Virus detection creates problem to all the system of computer network model and process Virus stole your database in the wireless computer ...

What are the advantages of a computer network model?

Introduction to the internet and internet related topics are listed following below here: What are the advantages of a computer network model?   Let’s discuss the internet related topic and questions above listed and their answers are following below here: What are the advantages of a computer network model? There are some advantages of a computer network model following below here: Computer network model is a structure that helps to understand everything which is connected to the computer system such as networking devices, data cable, internet communication cable, wireless medium microwaves etc. Computer network model shows how many devices are connected to each other in their quantity. Computer network model design mentioned all the types of networking devices are used for specific network mediums to connect the computer system for providing internet connection. Computer network model provides the design and gives you the idea that you can develop the model after analyzing the cu...