
Showing posts from September, 2020

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What is a social media app on a computer system or smartphone device?

What is a social media app on a computer system or smartphone device? Social media app increases the locality posts and provide the local information to the users who are uses the social media app in their local area and the user who wants to see the global areas information they can see the world wide new and other types of post to grow their knowledge and making followers to see the same result who follows on the user ID on the social media. The social media app provides the interface to the user to operate the different types of options and services to complete the task and enjoy the social media app. The user socializes when the user is talking to the other users and grows their knowledge also about the discussion topic which can also be a trending topic online. It is also helpful for the other users to grow their business after watching the trending topics online on the social media app. The user can touch the topic and get the full knowledge by asking many people who are using th

How is the public benefited from those organizations that use computers? Explain four basic points of benefited organization?

How is the public benefited from those organizations that use computers? Explain four basic points of benefited organization?/What are the benefits of the organization when they uses computer for their personal purpose in the organization? A basic organization has so many departments to control their office works and operates the office programs. In the organization strategy wants to make flexible environment, secure, Information technology services, business grade environment that means specific business to evolve their organization. These are four basic point of the benefited organization following below.  Flexible environment  Secure Personal Data  IT Services  Business Grade Environment 1. Flexible Environment In the organization some employees are lazy for their work which is given by the senior or boss.  In that case works are pending in the future and then organization will be loss and don’t gives profit.  So employees must be flexible so that they work properly and advance the

Discuss the application of information technology in banking?

Discuss the application of information technology in banking? These banking applications are in a short description... like (Inventory control/financial system/accounting/investment analysis) Bank uses computers to provide the online services to customers and to answer other queries regarding their bank balance, etc. To handle cash, banks use cash dispensing machines. Computer also facilitates electronic transfer of funds from one account to another. All that a customer needs to do is keys in his identification number and the transaction details on the terminal’s keyboard.  Immediately, the amount he specifies will be transferred from his account to the other account which he has specified. Inventory control Inventory means a list of goods.  In organizations goods  such as raw material, finished products spares consumables etc. are kept in stock so that whenever the need arises these items are available off shelf.  The business does not suffer on account of non-availability of th